AOC: $15 Minimum Wage a ‘Deep, Deep Compromise,’ Should Be $24 – IOTW Report

AOC: $15 Minimum Wage a ‘Deep, Deep Compromise,’ Should Be $24


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Monday criticized certain Democrats for failing to support progressive demands for a $15 minimum wage, contending they are living in a “dystopian capitalist nightmare” and adding that the minimum wage should actually be $24 an hour.

The New York lawmaker defended the progressive push for a $15 minimum wage during an appearance on The Mehdi Hasan Show.

“Any person who thinks that a $15 minimum wage is the ‘crazy socialist agenda’ is living in a dystopian capitalist nightmare. And we should not prop that up. We should not continue that,” she said.

“There are basic goods that people can’t afford to live on on $7.25 an hour, she continued, arguing that it is “deeply, deeply shameful” that they are having this conversation in the first place. read more

25 Comments on AOC: $15 Minimum Wage a ‘Deep, Deep Compromise,’ Should Be $24

  1. Doesn’t anybody know how to play this stupid fucking game?

    Bid it up! Make them call a halt to the process. Make them defend keeping it down. Everybody in DC is a fucking idiot. Stupid totalitarian socialists with their sick fantasies and stupid Republican morons who can’t figure out that they’re being played.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Considering how the politicians have given so much of our money to foreign countries, (and stuffed in their own pockets), I’m surprised there’s any money left to talk about.

  3. Just end the wages all together, then we can’t argue over them. Also end government stimulus we also like to argue over. Then implement individual stimulus. Everyone gets $2 Trillion. Think of how rich we’d all be, including future generations, with no arguments.

  4. Why don’t we just make minimum wage $100 million/hour? That way, everyone would have to work only one day and then retire rich… Yeeeeeaaaaaah booooooyeeeee!!!…

  5. Marxist dogma asserts that all labor is of equal value regardless of inputs (like education or skills), or outputs (value of goods or services to others). Thus, the new hire burger flipper should be paid the same as a journeyman HVAC tech and the same as an MD neurosurgeon.

  6. The question needs to be asked what happens to the people that worked their way up to $15 an hour currently?
    Fat chance to get them any more money per hour and they’re not going to be happy about it.
    The goal is to make everybody equally miserable except the elites.

  7. There are many unintended consequences to this, some of them will be poor service, poor quality and I don’t care attitude. Businesses will cut hours to make up the difference.

  8. And that Big Mac will cost $10.00. The China shit at the Dollar store will now be $3.00. A box of screws at the hardware store will be $15.00. And those of us on a fixed income will starve to death. Maybe that is what the Demoncraps want.

  9. Without a maximum wage a minimum wage is meaningless since all other wages will just bump upwards accordingly and the inflationary effect will neutralize any gains that were intended by the minimum increase.

    Jobs will be lost as well, especially those that just barely merit the current minimum. Entry level positions that would allow upward wage mobility will become fewer and fewer under higher minimums, locking more people entirely out of the system and leaving them without much of a future.

  10. “… locking more people entirely out of the system and leaving them without much of a future.”
    Except as parasites sucking on the gov’t teat.
    They’ll become the new and improved SA and SD.
    These are the rats that’ll be sent out to collectivize the farms and murder the peasants – we’ve seen it all before (or at least read about it).

    That’s the point, isn’t it?

    izlamo delenda est …

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