AOC Endorses Illinois Radical Primary Challenger To Sitting House Democrat – IOTW Report

AOC Endorses Illinois Radical Primary Challenger To Sitting House Democrat

Chicago Sun-Times

Democratic House hopeful Marie Newman, in a primary rematch against Rep. Dan Lipinski, D-Ill., was endorsed Tuesday by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., a move by the controversial, charismatic freshman that could turn out progressives and turn off centrists in the suburban Chicago district.

Lipinski’s team seemed little concerned by the popular but polarizing Ocasio-Cortez embracing Newman. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lipinski talks about Ocasio-Cortez more than Newman in the run up to the March Illinois primary.

Lipinski, who will need crossover GOP voters to win the nomination in the safe Democratic district, is counting on a backlash to Ocasio-Cortez and, by extension, her provocative allies. More

11 Comments on AOC Endorses Illinois Radical Primary Challenger To Sitting House Democrat

  1. The young intolerant fascist radicals want control of the party not realizing that is the best chance for them to become a minority party. They are also mad at mostly far left AZ Sinema and she is possibly going to get censured for daring to vote against them on a few items. Go get em!

  2. Well, AOC better remember the old axiom of “what goes around, comes around”. I wouldn’t be surprised if Pelosi takes a spin on her Rolodex and lines up a number of “unaffiliated” donors to support a challenger to AOC as well as doing the deep background research for when the nomination campaign gets dirty.


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