AOC is still enjoying her Miami vacation, which now includes hugging people while maskless in a packed drag queen bar! – IOTW Report

AOC is still enjoying her Miami vacation, which now includes hugging people while maskless in a packed drag queen bar!

Not the Bee-

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is reportedly the most murderous villain ever, which is likely why the brave AOC has gone deep undercover in her quest to end capitalism by wining and dining in the Florida sun.

After several weird tweets saying that her critics just want to date her, AOC didn’t own up to the hypocrisy of vacationing in the Sunshine State while her constituents are locked down. After all, she’s spent several years making New York a totalitarian hellscape and the media will cover for anything she does, so I’m guessing she’s in no hurry to get back to the Big Apple.

16 Comments on AOC is still enjoying her Miami vacation, which now includes hugging people while maskless in a packed drag queen bar!

  1. What’s most interesting about this is that while AOC is desperately trying to get Republican men to have seks with her, the people of her districts are homeless, starving, and in perpetual poverty with whole families sharing abandoned buildings and flop houses with crack-heroin addicts.

  2. Her hypocrisy is boundless.
    Her constituents don’t GAF – either too stupid or amoral.
    Pretty much how America accelerated her decline.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. To a certain degree, I can understand just how stupid she is not to understand the glaring divide between her own positions and her own actions. However, given that she’s had her nose rubbed in her own hypocrisy for fucking DAYS now over this and still persists, I think we can rule out stupid and move straight on to evil as her motivation.

  4. She wants to trot around get sick and say Florida is unsafe. She knows she’ll get ivermectin and be ok. Then when she’s stable she’ll hoof it back to DC and trash talk DeSantis.


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