AOC: ‘It’d be an honor to be vice president’ – IOTW Report

AOC: ‘It’d be an honor to be vice president’


She’s a bit too young to legally hold the job, but that hasn’t stopped Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from measuring the drapes in the vice president’s office.

“It’d be an honor to be vice president,” she said in a weekend interview when asked about becoming Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s running mate should he become the Democratic presidential nominee.

But, she added, at 30, she is five years short of the constitutional age limit for vice president — or president.

“Well, I can’t be his running mate, because I’m not old enough. I’m 30, and you have to be at least 35. But, it’d be an honor to be vice president,” she told Noticias Telemundo.

She will be eligible for the job in time for the 2024 election. read more

26 Comments on AOC: ‘It’d be an honor to be vice president’

  1. She’s a bit too young to legally hold the job, but that hasn’t stopped Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from measuring the drapes in the vice president’s office.

    She doesn’t believe in the constittution anyway so what difference does a thing like age matter anyway.

  2. Choke on a bag of dicks, you slobbering simulacrum of a human being. You worthless mommet — stuffed with moldy hay and poisonous poke berries. You are a puppet and don’t have the balls Feathertop had.

    “I am nothing, Mother. I am not a man. I am just a puff of smoke. I want to be something more than just a puff of smoke.” And Feathertop took his pipe, and with all his strength smashed it against the floor. He fell down and became a bundle of sticks as his pumpkin face rolled toward the wall.

    Nat Hawthorne, 1852

  3. She wouldn’t be the first “dumb as a box of rocks” VP candidate, that is for sure. Unfortunately, “dumb as a box of rocks” is an apt description for all of this year’s dem candidates.

  4. AOC doesn’t have enough brain power to subtract the year she was born from the current year to figure out how old she really is. Then again maybe she’s figuring on being “Butt Hurt” Bernie’s V.P. for his second term.

  5. It would be my honor to watch her working at McDonald’s and asking “Would you like fries with that?” rather than hearing her ask if people should be “forced” to grow “colonial Cauliflower” in NY SHITTY.

  6. Nah….Not even….just nah…..consideration?….nah!….I got a bad little toe that’s 62 years old that is a better candidate…..never….thank God she will be tending bar again next fall…..

  7. “Poor Feathertop,” Mother Rigby said, looking at the heap on the floor. “He was too good to be a scarecrow. And he was too good to be a man. But he will be happier, standing near the corn all summer and protecting it from the birds. So I will make him a scarecrow again.”


    Nathaniel had a bleak view of humanity. When I was younger I thought he was an asshole. As I get older I come to think he was an asshole who had some sense.

  8. Rules are for the little people. Nothing Bernie Sanders says is legal.

    The government is going to arrest gas company executives for climate crimes? He’s going to take the pencil out of his ass and erase our borders? Lower the voting age to 16 because they’re the only ones stupid enough to believe that he can do the things he claims he can do.

    If the last 11 years have taught me anything, it’s that rules only matter if there are consequences from breaking them. As of today, a lot of people have broken a lot of rules, right up to Schiff’s impeachment scam and spying on other members of Congress, and not a one has spent a night in the grey bar hotel.

    Day One Executive Order: You can be AOC’s age and be VP ex post facto. See? Problem solved.

  9. Dear stupid lady you will never be anyone’s VP pick ever not even in your wildest demonic dreams. Just go away and leave us the hell alone. And I predict that you won’t even be a congress critter a year from now unless you manage to prove that the idiots in your district are dumber than you are, God forbid. You should listen to the old kids ditty, nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I guess I’ll go eat worms.

  10. Remember back when politics was about leadership, and choosing the best person for the job?
    Now it’s simply a popularity contest betwween people that ain’t too popular.
    These days, your average beauty contestant has more going for her than any of these demo-gags.


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