AOC Laments Being In Same Political Party As Joe Biden – IOTW Report

AOC Laments Being In Same Political Party As Joe Biden

Townhall: The New York Post is reporting that during a recent interview, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) complained about having to share the same political party as Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. The comments came after the representative was asked about the role she imagines herself playing in Congress if Joe Biden ends up being president of the United States, assuming she is still in Congress following the 2020 election. 

“Oh, God,” Ocasio-Cortez exclaimed. “In any other country, Joe Biden and I would not be in the same party, but in America, we are.” Ocasio-Cortez’s comments were made during a recent interview with New York Magazine that will be published later this week.   read more

11 Comments on AOC Laments Being In Same Political Party As Joe Biden

  1. I guess this explains why she’s supporting a candidate that is not even registered to run in her party

    logic is never a strong suit w/ progtards, is it?

  2. “This bitch is so stupid I can only think of two readers here that she could defeat in a debate.”
    1 is anonymousbadbrad
    2 is anonymousbadbrad

  3. Sandy (la Putita) O’Cortez doesn’t know the difference between a Social Demonrat and a Demonrat Socialist.

    Sanders is a Socialist.
    Biden, under the guise of the Demonrat Party, is a socialist.

    Both are parasitic opportunistic populists who steal from the taxpayers.
    As is Ms. O’Cortez.

    What you have, Ms. O’Cortez, is a greedy tyranny hiding behind a socialist veil.
    Same as it ever was.

    izlamo delenda est …


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