AOC Rapidly Becoming Laughing Stock of Social Media – IOTW Report

AOC Rapidly Becoming Laughing Stock of Social Media

The recent Instagram Post of New York’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez putting together Ikea furniture and sipping wine has provided ample material for mockery.  Here

I look forward to the mockery of her fake “black” accent at the recent Al Sharpton’s NAN event. AOC has declared those criticizing her new found speech affectation can all, “step right off,” (which, apparently, means getting blocked by her on Twitter). Here

18 Comments on AOC Rapidly Becoming Laughing Stock of Social Media

  1. “Like many other women + working people, I occasionally suffer from impostor syndrome: those small moments, especially on hard days, where you wonder if the haters are right.”

    Oh lord, child…they are so right. For the love of Dunning-Krueger, please delete your account.

  2. ““Like many other women + working people, I occasionally suffer from impostor syndrome: those small moments, especially on hard days, where you wonder if the haters are right.”

    FINALLY – someone suffering from impostor syndrome is actually an imposter!

  3. I think she’s got a better chance of being committed to a mental institution than she has of finishing her term. Her god complex is starting to take its toll on her. Poor thing.

  4. She is a poster child for low bred trash. If my mom had caught me talking with my mouth full of food after about the age of three she would have backhanded me into last week. To think that this subhuman behavior is something her base will find compelling tells you quite a bit about the subculture she is part of.

  5. I’m with JD – that popcorn extravaganza was disgusting to say the least. Who the hell chews into a camera **while they are talking** – and who finds it appealing? Trash.

    I’m fairly amazed she hasn’t blocked me yet – I insult her routinely. Maybe I’m not mean enough.

  6. AOC. “The Girl in The Commie Bubble”. Truth, logic and reason has seeped into the bubble ventilation and contaminated her useful idiot environment.
    Hope may be lost for the girl fed nothing but lies about becoming a powerful Millennial cadre of a socialist Utopia – the first in the largest capitalist stronghold of the world – The United States of America. Alas, a devious dream deffered…
    Oh, the inhumanity. This “filtering” should have happening before she infested the US House of Representatives.


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