Hodge Twins: AOC Responds To Ted Yoho’s Comments – IOTW Report

Hodge Twins: AOC Responds To Ted Yoho’s Comments

Ted Yoho defends himself here.

16 Comments on Hodge Twins: AOC Responds To Ted Yoho’s Comments

  1. I hadn’t seen AOC’s rant on the floor of Congress. What a twisted fucking cunt. The language she’s used is waaay beyond “fucking bitch” if that were true.

    One of them is not telling the truth. My last donut is on AOC.

  2. I am guessing that if he had said it the way that aoc claims that the un-news media would have made it a front-page, above the fold story for a week. There is no way that someone in the fake news crew didn’t pick up the actual conversation on a mic somehow.

  3. …but she IS a dangerous, disgusting, out-of-her-mind fucking bitch…

    …oh, and as far as violence against women goes, how’s that working out in all the Democrat law-free zones now? Or are alleged nasty words worse than rape now?

    Muslim Keith Ellison, your buddy Ilhan Liename’s coreligionist, seems to think so…

    …might wanna say something to your pals about what they say to female CONSERVATIVE women, if you’re so worried about mean things said to women…


  4. Don’t ya just love the way she cloaks herself in the “women as victims” garbage. Why stand and defend yourself when you can usurp the womans movement to claim any slight directed at you is against all women. Then you respond by twisting into an attack on them.

  5. If a member of Congress calls you a crazy fucking bitch and restaurant and bar patrons called you the same thing…
    Maybe that’s because you’re a crazy fucking bitch.

  6. I don’t recall who said it, but it was brilliant.
    “Being stupid is like being dead. The dead and the stupid are the only ones in the room that don’t know it.’

    Or something like that.


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