AOC Shredded By Conservatives For Citing High School Science Fair as Her Credentials – IOTW Report

AOC Shredded By Conservatives For Citing High School Science Fair as Her Credentials

I knew about the Twitter fight with Sen. Ted Cruz where she was bragging about her ‘science creds’ but I didn’t realize her credentials include coming in second at her high school science fair.

22 Comments on AOC Shredded By Conservatives For Citing High School Science Fair as Her Credentials

  1. To be fair: She does have bigger Science™! bona fides than that patriarch who invented The Internet™, commercialized Carbon Offsets™, and “won” A Nobel Prize™.

    (Though, Saint Algore does have a bigger rack.)

    And, don’t even get me started on Saint Greta!

  2. She needs to have the “It’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove any doubt” tattooed to the back of her hand as a reminder.
    Along with the L and R tattoos on her hands…

  3. The fine edge of the sword: The guy who won my HS science fair won a Westinghouse scholarship and went on to medical school. 2nd place is tending the counter at Starbucks.

  4. Anybody look into “fmr Educational Director for a national organization”? I did. It’s the National Hispanic Institute, apparently. It has a staff of about ten people in three states. No wonder she just said “national organization”.

  5. Here is how if started. After Trump named Pence to lead the fight against the coronavirus, AOC said this:

    Ocasio-Cortez pointed to reports e that detailed Pence’s problematic history addressing health crises in Indiana while he was governor. During his tenure, Pence was responsible for perpetuating one of the worst HIV outbreaks in the state’s history, which saw 20 new cases a day. She said that Pence’s “science denial” contributed to the outbreak, and reminded folks that the vice president is not a medical doctor or a health expert. Source: Refinery29.

    Cruz came to Pence’s defense by asking AOC 3 questions, to which OAC replied with her science project.

    She criticized Pence for allowing the spread of HIV in Indiana. He is anti-science and did not do enough, she says.

    I agree. Pence should have called a meeting of the state’s leading queers and told them: “Stop buggering each other up the ass, you silly queers. Do you want to catch the bug and die miserable deaths? At least, put on a rubber, you stupid faggots.”

  6. Be careful on this one. It wasn’t just a local high school fair. It was the international Intel science fair competition. Just being invited is significant, to come in second in a category is very good. She’s still obnoxious though.

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