AOC Still Owes Business Tax Debt From 7 Years Ago – IOTW Report

AOC Still Owes Business Tax Debt From 7 Years Ago

Dan Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be making $174,000 per year as a member of the House, but she’s left a now seven-year-old tax debt from a failed business venture unresolved despite her obvious ability to pay it.

According to the New York Post:

AOC had founded Brook Avenue Press, a publishing house that sought designers, artists and writers from urban areas to help paint The Bronx in a positive way in children’s stories, in 2012.

As the Post previously reported, public records show the state dissolved the company in October 2016. The state can make such a move when a business fails to pay corporate taxes or file a return.

The state Tax Department then filed a warrant against her now-defunct business on July 6, 2017, over a $1,618.36 unpaid bill.

As of Friday, the tax warrant had still not been satisfied, and the outstanding balance had grown to $2,088.78, the department said.

A spokesperson for AOC named Lauren Hitt said that she’s still in the process of contesting the warrant. “The business has been closed for several years now, and so we believe that the state Tax Department has continued to collect the franchise tax in error,” Hitt said.  more

21 Comments on AOC Still Owes Business Tax Debt From 7 Years Ago

  1. Here is what her followers are up to. Olympia City Council member and Democrat up and comer. This woman is totally invested in the AOC Doctrine:

    Rollins acknowledges she can afford her rent; she just chose not to comply with the rental agreement because she wanted to present herself as a hero.

    “If it’s a question of if I have money in the bank or if I could find money from family, yeah, I have the money in the bank,” Rollins admitted to KING 5.

    So you have the money to afford staying in someone else’s property but you’re choosing not to pay? That sounds like you’re stealing property.

  2. …Or she could take some of the money she has recently saved by not going to Starbucks since CV-1984 and pay the very taxes that she feels are not high enough, regardless, because it is ultimately for the common good and social programs.

  3. JDHasty
    MAY 18, 2020 AT 12:40 PM

    “…Rollins acknowledges she can afford her rent; she just chose not to comply with the rental agreement because she wanted to present herself as a hero.

    …So you have the money to afford staying in someone else’s property but you’re choosing not to pay? That sounds like you’re stealing property.”

    …a REAL Communist will tell you ALL property is theft as ALL should be collectively owned, so you can’t “Take” property because no one can “own” it in the FIRST place.

    …at least, that’s what they say until you try to move in to one of THEIR mansions…

  4. @JDHasty May 18, 2020 at 12:40 pm

    > So you have the money to afford staying in someone else’s property but you’re choosing not to pay? That sounds like you’re stealing property.

    Wait! You’re saying, that if I just don’t pay rent, The Party will give me title? Free and clear?

    Or are you just stringing letters together, because they look pretty?

  5. @mongo May 18, 2020 at 12:34 pm

    > It’s OK she’s a member in good standing of the “Al Sharpton Tax Avoidance Club.”

    But, if they keep standing up these “Don’t feed The Beast” Democrats, how will I ever, again, be able to hold my nose? And “vote” for the Republican “loyal opposition”?


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