AOC takes victory lap after Amazon scuttles plans to move to NYC – IOTW Report

AOC takes victory lap after Amazon scuttles plans to move to NYC

Occasional Cortex protested Amazon, saying they exploited workers and were unfairly getting subsidized to move a headquarters to NYC.

Amazon is taking their 25,000 jobs and going elsewhere. The idiot freshman sees this as a victory.


Notch another victory for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The freshman Democratic representative celebrated online retailer Amazon’s decision Thursday to scrap its plans to build a new headquarters in her New York City district.

“I think it’s incredible,” Ocasio-Cortez responded when asked to comment on Amazon’s about-face. “It shows that everyday Americans still have the power to organize and fight for their communities and they can have more say in this country than richest man in the world.”

“After much thought and deliberation, we’ve decided not to move forward with our plans to build a headquarters for Amazon in Long Island City, Queens,” Amazon spokeswoman Jodi Seth said in a statement.

Ocasio-Cortez was one of the leaders of the fight against the proposed deal, largely over the $3 billion in tax breaks the city and state promised the company.

New York’s chronic shortage of housing and the overburdened mass transit system were also cited by opponents.

The deal would have meant an estimated 25,000 new jobs for the city.


Notch ‘another’ victory???

Are they kidding?

Cuomo and de Blasio are furious.


28 Comments on AOC takes victory lap after Amazon scuttles plans to move to NYC

  1. I actually agree with her, the fucking tax breaks are ridiculous! Reduce spending to reduce taxes, do nit grant waivers. … Interesting point obamas got millions from netflix, who pais nothing in federal taxes….hummmmmmm. Sone shady shit me thinks.m

  2. I’m with Pearl clutcher on this one… fuck Amazon, they won’t pay taxes and their employees will make up the difference? I understand the employees would have to pay taxes anyway but fuck Bezos, why do him any more favors.

    And don’t think he’s not going to build in NYC, he still is, this is just a bluff to get his balls licked even more by the New York politicians.

  3. Up is down, down is up.

    New York Times article today, “The Green New Deal Is What Realistic Environmental Policy Looks Like”

    You gotta be kidding, right? No, that’s a real headline.

  4. Sooooo stupid.
    Think of the Head Tax possibilities the lefties are missing out of now that Amazon isn’t setting up shop…

    Does AOC have an Amazon Prime account? 🤔
    She’s likely a hypocrite and an idiot.

  5. “Notch another victory for Alexandria Ocrazio Cortez.”
    She’s on the road to God knows where.
    Here’s a lively version of Ocrazio’s road.
    “The Wolfe Tones” “We’re on the One Road.” Great song. Enjoy.

  6. Yeah-those high tech people making 100+K are a blight on society. Stupid Seattle whines about income inequalities and the homeless being Bezo’s fault. No, it’s the progressive city council’s policies and their refusal to do anything about the drugs and tent cities.

    Seattle used to be a wonderfully clean city with only a few sketchy areas you knew to avoid. Now, it’s scary. Get in and get out is my policy avoid if possible and remember the good ol’ days.

  7. “You just sent 25,000 jobs packing, dumbass! What are you gonna do NOW?!”

    Occasional-Cortex: “I’m going to NORTH KOREA! YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!” 🥴



  8. It is truly incredible that such intellectually insufficient individuals can get elected to public office. I know, I know. I live in a small town in the south and it’s everywhere. It still amazes me after 68-years.


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