AOC torched online for wearing “Tax The Rich” dress to Met Gala – IOTW Report

AOC torched online for wearing “Tax The Rich” dress to Met Gala

Just The News -Progressive Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is facing backlash from online audiences for her wardrobe choice at the famed Met Gala on Monday evening.

Tickets to the high-fashion soiree reportedly cost $30,000-$35,000 a head, and tables sell for $250,000-$300,000. Despite the hefty price tag and A-list guest list, the New York congresswoman opted to wear a white gown with the words “Tax The Rich” splashed across the back in bright red. 

The progressive second-term representative has repeatedly called to increase taxes on wealthy Americans.

Fans and detractors of the congresswoman alike derided her wardrobe selection at the New York City event as a political misstep:

“What makes @AOC a bigger fraud: The “tax the rich dress” while she’s hanging out with a bunch of wealthy leftwing elites or the lack of masks after spending the past 18 months as one of the biggest authoritarian mask Karens in the country?” wrote Donald Trump Jr.

Chief Variety TV critic Daniel D’Addario wrote, “I am a big admirer of the work of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in government and on the public stage, and think tonight looks, in the moment, like a weird misstep. There’s changing the system from within, and there there’s …”
Political commentator Stephen Miller wrote, ‘You know who isn’t at the Met Gala? Joe Manchin.” more

14 Comments on AOC torched online for wearing “Tax The Rich” dress to Met Gala

  1. “Tax the Rich” fit right in with those other dresses:
    “I’m for the Little Guy”
    “Feed the Poor”
    “I’d love to change the world”
    “Population keeps on breeding”
    “Bees make honey, who needs money?”
    “World pollution, there’s no solution”
    “Institution, electrocution”
    “Just black or white, rich or poor”
    “Them and us, stop the war”
    Everywhere is freaks and hairies
    Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity?
    Snicker, Smirk, Barf, Gag

  2. Just like all the friends of Joe who are exempt from the mask mandates, AOC, of course, did not mean to tax the people at the gala.

    As Huey Long famously said, “Don’t tax you. Don’t tax me. Tax the man behind the tree.”

  3. She may posture as a woke woman of the world but that outfit and pose clearly makes her want to be seen, first and foremost, as a sexy, desirable sexpot beating the other female competitor’s for the purient looks from men!!

  4. “AOC torched online for wearing “Tax The Rich” dress to Met Gala.” What the f*ck does ‘torched online’ even mean? One bunch of bobble-heads insulting another bunch of bobble-heads. Who cares?

  5. Just wait until she votes to remove the SALT cap on deductions as a favor to all those rich New Yawkers who bought her a ticket to the faggot ball. She’ll be cutting taxes for the rich in NY and CA by billions.


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