AOC warns all of congress – Either you become a far leftist or you’re gone – IOTW Report

AOC warns all of congress – Either you become a far leftist or you’re gone

Ocasio-Cortez dressed down the moderates and threatened that she would help activists unseat them in the 2020 election.


Ocasio-Cortez’s spokesman Corbin Trent added that she fumed that any Democrats voting with Republicans “are putting themselves on a list.”

Preceding the brouhaha in the Democratic camp, 26 Democrats joined Republicans to amend a bill increasing federal background checks for gun purchases. That bill included a section stating that if an illegal immigrant attempted to buy a firearm, ICE would have to be alerted. Some Democrats were rankled by that proviso.

Some of the so-called moderate Democrats are freshmen in Congress, and the Post noted that they are bucking Ocasio-Cortez and her cohorts, saying that the reason the Democrats secured a majority in November was because they were elected as moderates. Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL), a co-chairman of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition, said, “It’s this class of members that got elected that are the reason we have the majority. Many of them come from these [moderate] districts, and their promise to their constituents was that they were going to put people over politics.”

Her chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, a co-founder of Justice Democrats, said bluntly, “We need new leaders, period. We gotta primary folks.”



39 Comments on AOC warns all of congress – Either you become a far leftist or you’re gone

  1. She’s a vicious little scrunt, isn’t she? How to win friends and influence people – not.

    In other news, mainstream socialist, Governor Jay Inslee of Washington, announced his campaign for President today. His main theme? “Defeating climate change.”

    I call him “The Dim Bulb.”

  2. Jimmy, Jay Inslee is an idiot and has a snowballs chance in hell of ever becoming President. The good thing about this for Washingtonians is that he won’t be running for reelection as Governor next year. Mr. green weenie and his arrogant globull warming agenda are not popular amongst normal non braindead voters. And maybe just maybe outside of King County and Seattle we just might get lucky enough to elect a Republican governor for a change but I’m not holding my breath until I actually see it happen.

  3. Wait…

    We’ve been told that if women ran the world it would be a better place. Based on the current batch of women in congress (remember the women in white during the State of the Union speech?), they seem to be more controlling, vulgar, demanding and authoritarian than the men! I’ve also noticed this applies to the leftist females only.

    AOC is dangerous. Stupid, but dangerous.

  4. In a matter of weeks, AOC has become one of the Democrats most important leaders and advocates.

    That’s because she very openly and vocally represents everything the Democrats stand for but have been trying to keep out of public scrutiny until now.

    One of those “boiling a frog” until it’s too late for it to jump out when it finally realizes what is happening sort of things.

  5. Anyone want to bet her mommy was at the school every day demanding special attention for her little angel? She was probably one of those parents who brought her kid out in public and expected everyone to think it was super cute when her brat was running and screaming like a wild banshee.
    Every coach and teacher Ocrazio had probably dreaded seeing mommy and out of control kid coming.

  6. @geoff the aardvark – love your comment.

    Off topic, but what the hell:

    Nicknames for Gov. Jay Inslee of the Soviet State of Washington:

    Mr. Green Weenie
    The Dim Bulb
    Governor ImanIdiot
    The Double-digit IQ Governor
    Governor Numbnuts

    Interesting – as a Socialist, he agrees with Ms. Ocasio-Cortez on most everything but will vehemently deny it publicly, trying instead, to sound like a compassionate, traditional Democrat and simultaneously, Mr. America.

  7. Nobody can divide people like the Dems. Their new batch of monsters are awful. These dipshits in New York better go vote next time. AOC got elected by 15 people and she thinks she’s running the damn country.

  8. It’s not only AOC. Nancy is giving hell to the “moderate dems” who voted with the Republicans on the gun control bill. This clearly demonstrates the insanity of voting democrat, even for “moderates.” They will all be forced to toe the crazy, radical line.

  9. Jordan Peterson has a clip online describing how the Republicans, years ago, made a limit keeping the white supremacists and other zealots away from their mainstream ideology. The Democrats never did. So the Left keeps lurching farther and farther to Cloud Cuckoo land and nobody seems to be able to stop it.
    Go to 3:30 for the best part:

  10. AOC is the Rosanne Rosanna Danna of Congress and a gift from heaven for us “thinking” people. Her added value is that she is flushing out other hardcore Socialists like Mass Senator Ed Marxist Markey et al.

  11. “Either you become a far leftist or you’re gone” said the one term Congresswomen AOC from the Bronx.

    I predict a very bad things will happen to this woman-child in the very near future. She will not be in Congress in 2021.

  12. MJA, Pelosi is a tired old hag with an undeserved reputation for being cunning and ruthless, based entirely on her preference for easy white male targets. She doesn’t know how to deal with psycho retard heifers, and she’s not even trying anymore. Somebody in the Dem party better have a long knife an iron fist and the willingness to use it. Occasional-Cortex, Lohan Ilmar and Rancid Tilapia are excitable children with no plan other than destruction. I hope somebody is planning their destruction.

  13. Wow, talk about power going to someone’s head. She was just elected to a TWO year term. Maybe in NY she considers that for life but she better watch her back.

  14. Ask Trotsky.
    Ask Röhm.
    Ask all the Communist Chinks that Mao buried.
    Ask Ochoa.

    It won’t pay to cross her.
    She’s a combination of Imelda Marcos, Evita Peron, Winnie Mandela, Rosa Luxemburg, and Ilsa Koch.

    Sorta like a rabid chihuahua …

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. I wonder what AOC thinks of Van Jones appearing at CPAC? Van Jones is still not to be trusted, but believe it or not he gave credit to Republican Governors for reducing prison populations and reducing the crime rates at the same time. This was at CPAC yesterday.

  16. She’s setting herself up for a rubout.

    Stepping on too many toes.

    Although obviously mentally deficient.
    too many people listen to her

    She has to be hit or
    the smellocrat party must suffer
    revolutionary change.

    The only way this won’t happen is if
    she SHUTS UP !


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