AOC Warns Followers About a Twitter Account Mocking Her – IOTW Report

AOC Warns Followers About a Twitter Account Mocking Her

Washington Examiner

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is asking her followers to be careful about what they read after a meme Twitter account began parodying her press releases, to the delight of conservatives across social media.

Armed with a blue check, the Twitter username @AOCpress, identified as an “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Press Release (parody),” describes itself as “Saying the quiet part out loud (parody).” More

9 Comments on AOC Warns Followers About a Twitter Account Mocking Her

  1. What ever happened to mini-AOC?
    I think she is/used to be on YT.
    Wonderful parody stuff.

  2. Ahhh, sorry LC Dan, I skipped over your post & didn’t read it.
    TOo bad about mini-AOC, she was better than the real thing by far.
    Humor AND common sense.
    And, has been proven too many times, LibTard-ism is a mental disease.
    LibTards have NO sense of humor.
    Everything LibTards touch turns to shit.


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