AOC weeps over illegal’s audacious claim our government killed her daughter – IOTW Report

AOC weeps over illegal’s audacious claim our government killed her daughter

Tlaib slips her veil when she says this- “We are creating a generation of children that will never forget what we did to them.”

This is what Arabs said about angry terrorists. It is retribution for our behavior.

What exactly are we “doing” to illegals?

We should just let them walk over the border? And if we don’t we are violating “their” rights?

Did Tlaib, Omar or Cortez ever shut up long enough to consider that they are possibly making American terrorists?

And as for this crying mother, she is seeking $60,000,000 for the loss of her precious cargo that she dragged through the dessert and illegally entered the country with.

I’d settle the suit for a first class ticket back to Mexico.

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27 Comments on AOC weeps over illegal’s audacious claim our government killed her daughter

  1. How much did the ‘mano’ cure cost with the POINTY fingernails?? I mean, c’mon? That is all I can see, are those god awful finger nails.

    Our future society is on the line and I put nothing beyond these people to get what they want ‘by any means necessary’.

    No fault but hers, if true, but imbeciles like AOC cannot see that.

  2. First class ticket? Would it not be more appropriate to give the sneaker some sneakers to walk back the way she came. Maybe she could also be provided with a backpack full of water that she could suck dry as a metaphor for the way that she sucked the life out of her child.

  3. $60,000,0000 must not be worth very much these days. Why not $100,000,000? That’s about what the daughter would probably make in her lifetime changing laundry and cleaning rooms at the Motel Six in El Paso. Ain’t inflation a bitch? Surely our generous nation can afford to make this poor family rich. It’s not like it’s a lottery for Illegal aliens until the lawyers start smacking their lips. Just watch some Obama appointed judge award this amount to teach us a lesson.

  4. That woman(AOC) just likes to perform. I’m thinking she could hook up with Stormy Daniels. I’m sure the learning curve for that profession is a lot shorter than being a politician.

  5. The takeaway here is if you break the law you should be put up in a resort instead of jail or detention. That resort will serve pure natural Evian spring water and the guards will walk around with clean piss pots for where ever and when ever you want to take a piss. Servers will walk around with hors d’oeuvres between 5-star meals for you to snack on pool-side. The term “visiting hours” will longer apply since your children and entire extended family has rights to come and go as they please, from any country. US Taxpayers will be on the hook for round-trip flights from anywhere in the world to support illegal families keeping together. There will be no need to learn English or anything about America, instead America will bend over and cater to every last wish.

    Seems to me this is exactly what they are championing for. When they get it, the left will scream the hollandaise sauce is too salty and ignores a properly balanced diet and that will become the new human rights crime of the century.

    When they are done making it exactly how they want it, 99% of Americans will be clawing to get into such facility to live a better life, while the left shakes their fist about human rights violations for illegals.

  6. A while back, I suggested machine gun placements about every 300 yards along the border with shoot to kill orders. I think that might have mitigated this “tragedy”. I am sorry the child died. I am sorry her mother dragged her to dehydration and certain death.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. The progressive movement sees children first and foremost as props to be used to further their political agenda. The bastards have no sense of decency whatsoever. They deserve nothing but contempt and ridicule for these continuous and everlasting, cock and bull put one that are simply and obviously nothing but shameless attempts to exploit the death of a child. There isn’t a Goddamned one of them who wouldn’t have raised this woman on a pedestal if she had aborted the girl and then sought to raise her own cachet within progdom by going onstage and “shouting her abortion.” Despicable is to mild a word… the entire progressive movement is a filthy and disgusting disgrace to mankind and there isn’t a one of the adherents who would know basic human decency if it fell out of the sky and landed in their lap.

  8. Why aren’t the feds charging this woman with manslaughter? It’s got to be depraved indifference or at the least child endangerment. She took her kid on a highly dangerous trip that ends with the with the childs death. Charge the bitch then see if AOC and her motley band shed some tears.


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