AOC’s Mayoral Endorsee Is a Walking Hypocritical Hot Mess – IOTW Report

AOC’s Mayoral Endorsee Is a Walking Hypocritical Hot Mess

‘Hypocrisy drips from her lips’: AOC’s defund-the-police NYC mayor pick Maya Wiley is seen leaving her $2.75M Brooklyn home protected by private security: Decries gifted programs for kids despite sending hers to one – and another to a $50k-a-year


Mayoral wannabe Maya Wiley has become the progressive left’s new poster child, even receiving a ringing endorsement from Democratic firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (top inset). However, critics believe she is a mass of contradictions and does not live by the standards she would force on the city’s residents. Exclusive photos show the 57-year-old leaving her $2.75million, 4,000-sq-ft house (pictured) in Brooklyn that she shares with her husband Harlan Mandel, 58, the CEO of a multimillion investment fund.

Wiley wants to defund the police but she and her neighbors pay $550 a month for private security for their wealthy area. The mother-of-two calls school programs for talented kids ‘racially discriminatory,’ but she sent one daughter, to an academy for the gifted, and the other to a $51,000-a-year private school. She worked as chief legal adviser to the Big Apple’s current mayor Bill de Blasio, but now attacks him at every opportunity.

6 Comments on AOC’s Mayoral Endorsee Is a Walking Hypocritical Hot Mess

  1. Another super wealthy social justice warrior who pays for personal security as she campaigns to deprive all others public police protection.
    This will not bode well for the communities outside her wealthy and secure enclave.

  2. Uncle Al ʘ JUNE 8, 2021 AT 5:48 PM
    “I think it’s only child molesters/murderers whom I despise and loathe more than rich communists.”

    I can’t beat that.

  3. “…and does not live by the standards she would force on the city’s residents.”

    As has every leftist, ever. They impoverish the common folk and live like royalty. Evil bastards.


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