AOC’s Mother Moved to Florida to Avoid NY’s High Taxes – IOTW Report

AOC’s Mother Moved to Florida to Avoid NY’s High Taxes

dm EXCLUSIVE: ‘God played quite a joke on me with this politics stuff!’ The privacy-loving mother of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez whips up lasagna as she tells how she had to flee New York because of high taxes and gushes about wedding bells for her daughter
  • U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s mother Blanca Ocasio-Cortez has spoken exclusively to about her Democrat star daughter
  • Blanca Ocasio-Cortez – BOC – is still settling down in Eustis, Florida, a small city in the far suburbs of Orlando with her mother Clotilde, 78, and a rescue dog 
  • She said: ‘After my husband died the family went through tough times. I was cleaning houses in the morning and working as a secretary in the afternoon’ 
  • ‘We moved from The Bronx to Yorktown Heights, but it was difficult making ends meet. I was skipping mortgage payments and we almost lost the house twice’ 
  • Early on, AOC didn’t show signs she’d get into politics – except that she talked incessantly and itched to show off her brains, her mother said 
  • ‘She wasn’t raised to be a socialist,’ Mrs. Ocasio-Cortez said. ‘That’s not how Puerto Ricans are. She’s a democratic socialist, and it’s very different’
  • Blanca was particularly put off by the controversy surrounding AOC’s move into  D.C. high-rise, saying ‘that building isn’t even that expensive by D.C. and New York standards’
  • The mother-of-two said her new Trump-supporting Florida neighbors don’t know she is AOC’s mother, saying she doesn’t like the limelight for her family

ht/ all too much

26 Comments on AOC’s Mother Moved to Florida to Avoid NY’s High Taxes

  1. “she talked incessantly and itched to show off her brains”

    OMG! AOC has misplaced any brains she allegedly had. The nut-job should have located them -before- running for Congress.

    Hey, Momma… STFU for your sake and for AOC’s sake.
    You’re not helping her case one iota.

  2. “except that she talked incessantly and itched to show off her brains, her mother said”

    Typical of a liberal who just watched MSNBC to get the latest talking points. They can’t wait to go out in the world or on social media to regurgitate what they heard because they think it makes them look intelligent. Until of course, somebody challenges the one dimensional talking point which then leaves the liberal mentally naked in the middle of no-man’s land.

  3. “Blanco” means “White” in Spanish, which means AOC is descended from a White woman, which make her White, which means she’s a rayyciss by Democrat logic and needs to villified and removed from office ASAP.

    Democrats, do your duty…

  4. Enjoy your new neighbors many whom fled socialism/communism in Cuba for the freedoms they now enjoy here. Stupid seems to be embedded in your families DNA.

  5. The Cubans – by and large (exception: the Havana Mafia in Miami) – are just fine, here in Florida; they *get* it about Socialism. It’s the damned f**kin’ parasitical Puerto Ricans Sozi-ing it up who make the trouble.

  6. AOC is nothing more than a product of the Soros sponsored Obama era 2011 Occupy Wallstreet. I bet she was there, she was in college then. Maybe photos will surface.

  7. @Good General, we went to Puerto Rico once. No one in my family wants to ever go back. They actually admit to waiting for the government to go clean up the trash they throw in the streets. Disgusting place.

  8. Honey, you should have stayed under the radar. Not only are you NOT helping your daughter’s case, but you’re drawing attention to the wellspring of your daughter’s idiocy.

  9. “She’s a democrat socialist, and it’s very different’”

    The democrat socialists won’t kill the populace until they they have bled masses of their finances, property, free speech and liberty.
    They provide a slow death, unlike castro, lenin, stalin, mao, chavez and pol pot.


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