AP: Mass Unemployment, Lower Wages Is ‘New Normal’ – IOTW Report

AP: Mass Unemployment, Lower Wages Is ‘New Normal’

obama unemployment

Sweetness&Light- The AP’s subtle point here is we are supposed to accept Obama’s failed economy as the ‘new normal.’ There’s nothing that can be done about it. And certainly none of this is Obama’s fault.

From the whirling dervishes at the Associated Press:

AP: Mass Unemployment, Lowered Wages The New ‘Normal’ Economy

July 4, 2015

WASHINGTON (AP) — Even after another month of strong hiring in June and a sinking unemployment rate, the U.S. job market just isn’t what it used to be.

There wasn’t any ‘strong hiring’ in June. More people gave up looking for work than got a job.

Pay is sluggish. Many part-timers can’t find full-time work. And a diminished share of Americans either have a job or are looking for one. Yet in the face of global and demographic shifts, this may be what a nearly healthy U.S. job market now looks like.

Yep, this is just he way it is and we have to accept it. After all, the inability to find full-time work has nothing to do with Obama-Care. And the “demographic shifts have nothing to do with Obama flooding the country with illegal aliens and giving them work permits.  more

10 Comments on AP: Mass Unemployment, Lower Wages Is ‘New Normal’

  1. I retired before this asshole took office. I’m living on about $75,000 a year.
    All I do is vacation. Too bad for the workers of the country, you’re pretty much screwed.

  2. You’re not unemployed.
    You’re funemployed!
    Don’t let a job get in the way.
    You have been liberated to pursue you’re dreams of painting, singing, or just plain jerking off without being joblocked!
    Embrace the suck!
    That’s whut the Defecrats have told us!
    Damn Commies!

  3. I have been saying this since 2009, so the AP can go fuck off.

    This is exactly what the socialists want. 25% unemployment. Massive gov’t that just prints paper and calls it money to “pay” for unemployment and welfare and such. Because we all know that unemployment “benefits” are the best way to stimulate an economy — right, Nancy?  Ass.

    All socialism is designed to take little bites out of the good. Then that bit of socialism becomes the new normal. When the next level of socialism comes along, you only see the incremental change. If you graphed how much socialism we have now versus what we had just before the 16th amendment was passed, that would be true impact of socialism. However, the only thing the progressives want you to see is the last change because all of the others don’t matter since they now make up “normal.” And if you dare speak about taking away the socialism that is killing the country, you will have a camera shoved in your face and be asked the question, “Don’t you care?”

    Ban socialism and live.

  4. well I for one do believe it’s the new normal.

    when it comes to unemployment and slow economic growth we haven’t seen nothing yet.

    obama may fashion himself as the new reagan but he is definitely the new fdr. just like fdr, obama has taken a economic recession and turned it into a full blown depression with his “economic policies”.

    and we still haven’t seen the full result of what he has planted in our economy. wait until his policies start to grow, then you will know what a depression is.

  5. If this “new normal” keeps up for very much longer, those who have quit looking for a job will forever be on the sidelines. Their skills will wane and they will not be fit to hire at anything but the lowest paid job. ($15 per hour?). There will be a permanent underclass of unemployable people dependent on the government for handouts instead of a hand up. They will all be future Democratic voters too.

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