AP Plays the Race Card to Explain Away Sanders’ Wisconsin Win – IOTW Report

AP Plays the Race Card to Explain Away Sanders’ Wisconsin Win

Newsbusters:  At Politico tonight, the headline is: “Sanders crushes Clinton in Wisconsin.”


Given Mrs. Clinton’s frontrunner status and the fact that, as the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel noted on Saturday (HT Ann Althouse), “Wisconsin has a nearly unbroken modern-day record of voting for party front-runners in its presidential primary,” that’s an accurate characterization of Sanders’ 12-point lead over Mrs. Clinton with over two-thirds of the votes counted at the time of this post.

Politico’s subheadline: “He’s won seven of the past eight contests, but will it matter?” That’s a fair question, given the anti-democratic situation with superdelegates in the Democratic Party. It’s also an assessment based on the fact that much of the rest of the establishment press has been determined to write off Sanders’ recent resurgence, including tonight’s win, as likely irrelevant.  MORE

6 Comments on AP Plays the Race Card to Explain Away Sanders’ Wisconsin Win

  1. The dems are stupid to ignore this, at least the “super” delegates are.

    They are determined to get Hillary back in the white house by any means. By ignoring the zero enthusiasm for Hillary and the fervent Bernie followers and his state wins they evidently intend to put up a very weak candidate against a “R” candidate that, at the very least, has a very energized Non-Liberal electorate ready to keep Hillary OR Bernie out of the white house.

    The dems are either stupid to hitch themselves to this drunk feeble stroked out horse, afraid not to do so, or so confident in their “ground game” (aka fraud game) they don’t care about any of it and know they can win no matter what.

  2. @Bob – it looks like the GOP is Hillary’s strongest supporter. The political overseers are determined to run a candidate the base has either rejected or not even heard of in order to give Hillary the White House and keep their places at the trough.

    The GOP spent tens of millions on anti-Trump ads and negative press to hand Cruz 39 delegates last night. There’s no way Cruz wins a general election against Hillary and if the GOP steals the nomination from Trump and gives it to someone who didn’t run in the primaries or lost, millions of angry, betrayed people will stay home.

  3. once again we are all talking about false choices.

    voting for professional politicians is how we got in this mess to start with.

    it doesn’t matter which one is elected to the nwo and the supporters of the staus quo.
    which ever “professional” gets in will do what they are told.

    the republicans and democrats are two sides of the same coin. fake opposition.

    if only there was an outsider running in this years elections, someone unknown to the dc establishment, not connected to government gravy train, someone the dc establishment really hates and not fake hates, someone who wants to make the country better not just line his pockets with taxpayer money, but whom?

  4. I’ll make a prediction.(4/6/16) The Democrats will attempt to screw Sanders over. In retaliation, he will finish his run as an independent and beat Hillary but lose to Cruz.

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