AP: Seattle Researchers Test First Coronavirus Vaccine – IOTW Report

AP: Seattle Researchers Test First Coronavirus Vaccine


SEATTLE (AP) — U.S. researchers gave the first shot to the first person in a test of an experimental coronavirus vaccine Monday — leading off a worldwide hunt for protection even as the pandemic surges.

With a careful jab in a healthy volunteer’s arm, scientists at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Research Institute in Seattle begin an anxiously awaited first-stage study of a potential COVID-19 vaccine developed in record time after the new virus exploded from China and fanned across the globe.

“We’re team coronavirus now,” Kaiser Permanente study leader Dr. Lisa Jackson said on the eve of the experiment. “Everyone wants to do what they can in this emergency.”

The Associated Press observed as the study’s first participant, an operations manager at a small tech company, received the injection inside an exam room. Three others were next in line for a test that will ultimately give 45 volunteers two doses, a month apart.

“We all feel so helpless. This is an amazing opportunity for me to do something,” Jennifer Haller, 43, of Seattle, said as she awaited the shot.

She’s the mother of two teenagers and “they think it’s cool” that she’s taking part in the study.

After the injection, she left the exam room with a big smile: “I’m feeling great.” see more

11 Comments on AP: Seattle Researchers Test First Coronavirus Vaccine

  1. I may be way off base here, since I’m hardly an expert, but here goes:

    The common cold is a corona virus. Zinc is a proven aid in avoiding the common cold, and treatment once you get a cold. So what are the chances zinc would also help with the covid-19 threat? I’m thinkin’ those chances are pretty good. But I haven’t heard one word about using zinc from anyone. Seems to me it’s worth a shot.

    For the record, I’ve been taking zinc daily for a LONG time…since the 80’s, I guess. Last flu I had was in the early 90’s (never had a flu shot), and I haven’t had a cold in 20 years. Anecdotal evidence, for sure, but something to consider, maybe.

  2. BluesJunky- They’re testing drugs for aids and TB, etc. for Wuhan Flu as well. Because they worked for the other PaNdEmIC flus.
    If Zinc works for you, that’s awesome. You have a good record with it, so why not?

  3. I guess it’s a good thing people are willing to be a guinea pig. I hope they will be okay and maybe it will work.

    I will say though I won’t be one of those first in line for a brand new corona vaccine it it gets released.

  4. A DNA lab developed a vaccine in 3 hours, Have not heard or seen a peep since.
    These are the same guys who developed a vaccine for Ebola and other African diseases.

  5. MJA…

    I didn’t mean to imply (but I guess I did) that I thought zinc would be what could knock this shit on it’s ass. I just think it could be used as a preventative measure…an extra line of defense…along with the hand washing, etc.

  6. A vaccine for what is a cold virus?

    Being tested on people who if they got infected with COVID-19, likely would have few symptoms or problems from it anyway?

    Being tested on people who haven’t been tested to see if they DID actually previously get infected with COVID-19 and already are immune? (And isn’t that a better way to get immunity, anyway?)

    Will they at some point actually try to infect these test subjects to see if it actually works, in addition to being “safe”?

    And then it’s intended for use on… the elderly, and people with with weak immune systems?


    What could possibly go wrong…

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