AP survey: Dimmer outlook for US economy, wages and hiring – IOTW Report

AP survey: Dimmer outlook for US economy, wages and hiring

obama unemployment

WASHINGTON (AP) — For much of the economy’s fitful and sluggish six-year recovery from the Great Recession, analysts have foreseen a sunnier future: Growth would pick up in six months, or in a year.

That was then.

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8 Comments on AP survey: Dimmer outlook for US economy, wages and hiring

  1. It’s pretty grim here in Yonkers. My union has been without a contract since April 2011. The latest offer is 4.5% beginning April 1 2016.

    I don’t mean 4.5% annually. I mean 4.5% TOTAL for the five-year period.

    The fact that my court is doing 14% more filings than in 2011 doesn’t seem to register with Andrew Cuomo. Neither does the fact that spending a $6 billion budget surplus on pork (as he did this past year) is unconscionable when you have unsettled union contracts going back 3-4 years.

    This past weekend I had wanted to get a haircut and a pedicure, pick up my dry cleaning, and pick up a few things at the drugstore. All these errands had to be postponed until this Wednesday, which is payday. Yes, people, I am THAT broke.

    Another wonderful feature of modern living brought to me by libtards.

  2. “Recovery”?? Lol..

    The devious b*stard has done soooo much damage to our country in general, even the world. Err I mean, mission ~ accomplished and much still in progress.

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