AP To Clinton- “We’re doing our job and our investigations show you’re dirty” – IOTW Report

AP To Clinton- “We’re doing our job and our investigations show you’re dirty”

The title of this post is not an actual quote, but it sums up what the AP is saying pretty nicely.

AP statement on Clinton Foundation donors
Aug. 24, 2016, by Paul Colford

The Associated Press’ reporting relied on publicly available data provided by the State Department about Hillary Clinton’s meetings,
phone calls and emails, cross-referenced against donor information provided by the Clinton Foundation and its related charities on its websites.
As AP wrote, our reporting was based on Mrs. Clinton’s calendars covering the entirety of her tenure as secretary of state and on more detailed
schedules of meetings and phone calls covering roughly half that period. AP first requested Mrs. Clinton’s calendars and schedules in 2010 and again in 2013
but was unsuccessful. AP then sued the State Department in federal court to obtain the schedules it has received so far.
AP expects to receive the remaining files before Election Day and will continue to examine them and report on their contents.
AP has been transparent in how it has reported this story. It focused on Mrs. Clinton’s meetings and calls involving people outside government
who were not federal employees or foreign diplomats, because meeting with U.S. or foreign government officials would inherently have been
part of her job as secretary of state. We focused on Mrs. Clinton’s meetings and calls involving those people outside her duties as secretary of
state whom she chose to include in her busy schedule. This reporting was done by the same AP investigative team that discovered Mrs. Clinton’s
private email server and traced it to her basement in Chappaqua, New York, and whose reporting last week resulted in the resignation of Donald
Trump’s top campaign strategist. AP has been examining issues facing the presidential candidates and will continue to do so.

ht/ all too much

7 Comments on AP To Clinton- “We’re doing our job and our investigations show you’re dirty”

  1. Why did the AP feel compelled to explain itself in such gory detail? Have they ever done that for any prior exposé? Is Hillary really that protected that the media has to apologize for doing its job?

  2. Gee Wally, I hope they get the information they requested before the election!

    Sure Beave. So how come they waited until now to ask? Just what have they been doing for all these years? Hillary Clinton just didn’t wake up last Tuesday and say to hereself, “Ya knowwwww, today feels like a good day to turn corrupt!”

  3. I should say to push the issue. There is perfunctory, professional and passionate ways of going about your job. Yes the AP asked for information back in 2010 and 2013, but what was their response when they didn´t get it?
    “Mmmm, K”??
    They sure weren´t kicking and screaming about it!
    Why wait until now to make a statement about this?

  4. “Why did the AP feel compelled to explain itself in such gory detail? ” – Joe

    Putting myself in the shoes of someone taking on the monstrosity of Global corruption – Hillary is not their only target – I would want the public to know exactly what is going on. A synopsis on the effort seems most helpful to the effectiveness of individual stories.

    Can a whole organization commit suicide? In a park, with 3 shots to the back of it’s head?

    AP not being in lock-step with Global government is what’s different for me.

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