Apollo 11: What We Saw – IOTW Report

Apollo 11: What We Saw

July 20th marks the 50th anniversary of man walking on the moon, but just how did we get there? It didn’t happen overnight and it all ended much too soon.

There’s been plenty of programing this week marking the occasion, but Bill Whittle has been doing a particularly quality podcast, “Apollo 11: What We Saw”, that does a thorough retelling of the space race with communist USSR and the Apollo program.


Listen to the podcast Here

23 Comments on Apollo 11: What We Saw

  1. I barely saw it. Was at my Aunt’s house and shortly after they set foot on the moons surface, lightning hit my Aunt’s antenna and took out the television.

  2. At Franconia Park in New Hampshire. My Dad brought a small 6″ tv hooked to car invertor.
    We had 20-30 people huddle in a mass watching.
    Something I will never forget.

  3. ..I’ve been to Canaveral and stood next to the full size Saturn V that they have on display there in a hanger somewhere lying on its side, broken by stages. “HUGE” does not even BEGIN to describe it.

    …and we had men that would get ON TOP of that thing, sit quietly while it was filled with highly corrosive, hugely explosive fuel, and then FLY it TO THE MOON using 1960’s technology?!?!

    …my, my, how low we’ve fallen, in just a generation or two…all the way from the Moon into the cesspool the Streets of San Francisco have become…

    …thanks, Democrats, and the RINOS that ENABLED them…now the only MODERN “man on the moon” we’ll see will be a gay one shaving his partner’s hairy ass in a Gillette commercial…

  4. I watched our astronauts walk on the moon from a TV in Calgary, British Columbia, Canada. Was on a family vacation and have always regretted not being in the USA for the most important happening of my life (so far) as a citizen of the USA.

    But the people we were with were just as excited and proud of our accomplishment as I was. Sharing it with them helped me not feel so bad.

  5. It’s a good anniversary to remember our country’s former greatness in space exploration. It still tightens my jaw whenever I think of Obumbler’s mandate that NASA be used to reach out to the Mohammedans, and that we would have to hitch lifts to the Space Station from the Russkis.

    Thankfully, President Donald J. Trump has righted those wrongs, and we are reclaiming our preeminent place in the exploration of what’s out there.

  6. Back in April, I took my Russian wife and her sister who was visiting us to the Johnson Manned Space Flight Center near Houston to see a Saturn moon rocket that’s lying on it’s side. It would have been Apollo 18 had the program continued. They studied the rocket and I studied them. Their faces showed a mixture of awe and envy at what they were seeing. They said very little but their faces said everything. Looking at the five F-1 rocket motors up close is a mind blowing experience. One hundred and eighty-one million horsepower worth of American in your face, screw the USSR thrust came from those nozzles. YEAH,BABY!

  7. I didn’t see a thing that evening. I was with my then gf (now wife) at her family’s vacation camp. No tv, only a radio. Didn’t see it on tv till a few days later.

    I’m still pondering the probability odds of whether the Neil Armstrong , ” … , and good luck Mr. Gorsky ! ” story – is true or not. Neil always denied he said it. But fighter pilots mostly were an mischievous bunch, making it more probable. But not a sure thing.

  8. I was at home and watched Uncle Walter on CBS. Right in the middle of Armstrong’s statement about mankind’s giant step, the feed to CBS had some static. Uncle Walter has to repeat the quote a minute later because we did not hear it.

  9. I was 16 living at home in England. I recall we started watching at about 7.30pm. We had a very small B & W tv and I sat on the floor with my face a foot from the screen. What an amazing and historical moment. So glad I was old enough to witness and remember it.

  10. AFRTS OTA broadcast. Small B&W TV with the antennas fully extended and one nearly horizontal to get the steadiest rolling picture. Three of us watching.


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