Apollo Theatre roof collapses during concert in Belvidere, Illinois – IOTW Report

Apollo Theatre roof collapses during concert in Belvidere, Illinois

BNO News: A roof has partially collapsed during a concert at the Apollo Theatre in Belvidere, Illinois, causing an unknown number of victims, according to early reports. It happened during a tornado-warned storm.

The collapse happened at about 8 p.m. on Friday at the Apollo Theatre in the city of Belvidere, which is part of the Rockford metropolitan area. At that time, the band Morbid Angel was scheduled to perform.

A tornado-warned storm was affecting the area at the time of the collapse, according to the National Weather Service. MORE

7 Comments on Apollo Theatre roof collapses during concert in Belvidere, Illinois

  1. You can’t see vorticity in the atmosphere unless it causes various kinds of matter to move. Even a week vortex (not yet a “tornado”) over a building can cause rapid loading and/or vibration of a roof. The roof would just mysteriously collapse with no apparent cause other than “the storm.”

  2. Had to call for a shutdown and shelter inside the plant tonight.

    Nasty weather and warning not a watch. First time I’ve had to do so and couldn’t chance mot doing it.

  3. Praying those injured get the help they need. Waiting for more t-storms in NE Ohio and possibly 60 – 75 mph winds. The earlier storm was heading to the west side of Akron. Depends on which weather service you use as to the predictions.

  4. I follow Ryan Hall on YouTube and he was calling them before the warning sirens would even go off.
    Massive number of tornadoes, not sure how many touched down.
    There were hooks on these storm cells, that developed their own secondary hooks..it was amazing watching those cells go across.
    My heart goes out to those who have suffered losses in these storms.

  5. @MissInMi: Watched him all afte4rnoon yesterday. He said he just got back from dropping off $100,000 in supplies in Rolling Rock, Mississippi. I wonder how he’ll handle the hundreds of damaging tornadoes across several States? There’s never enough money…..

  6. Been in one, outran two others and saw the aftermath of two more.

    Been a number of related threads to this subject that I avoided making the next comment and I’m perhaps a sick unit for doing so. Suspect SNS could word this one better. Limited / Short version…

    After the one I was in there were a number of vehicles in disarray while my 55 Buick bucked the trend and was still upright on four tires. Was crawling around checking those that did not fare as well and climbed up inside one that was perched in a tree. There was one guy inside with a black and white “lumberjack shirt” on that had turned crimson. Multiple twigs driven through his chest. Other gore that I’ll not go into here and almost got shot after giving the emergency responders inventory of the scene went on to check houses a short distance away. Homeowner thought I was a looter and almost pulled the trigger.

    Truly amazing the force of mother nature in what is found in the aftermath.

    1967, but close to the same tracking as this one…


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