Apparently a Huge Death Toll at Mecca During the Great Pilgrimage Would Be Welcomed By Muslims – IOTW Report

Apparently a Huge Death Toll at Mecca During the Great Pilgrimage Would Be Welcomed By Muslims

Mecca crane collapse: Deadly accident at Grand Mosque ‘a blessing in disguise for those killed’


I would like to congratulate those people who lost their lives for going straight to heaven without any question,” said, Dr.Hojjat Ramzy.

“This is great honour from God that every one wishes for but not many will be granted.”

Dr Ramzy said that, according to the Koran, “there is no reward for the accepted hajj except paradise”, and added: “Many Muslim pilgrims wish to pass away during the journey of hajj and to have honour of being buried in the holy city of Mecca.”


Hey guys. We can provide as many “cranes” as you need.

24 Comments on Apparently a Huge Death Toll at Mecca During the Great Pilgrimage Would Be Welcomed By Muslims

  1. I’ll bet an awful lot of them are reading it as a sign that ALLAH IS PISSED at them, that the jihadist terrorists, the death and destruction committed by the devout psychopaths in his name. I’m sure a few of the devoted are beginning the question the direction of the power-mad, bloodthirsty sadistic Mullahs that lead them. Leastways I hope they are.

  2. Sounds awfully similar to what a man by the name of Hussein said in order to spin the truth like a top:

    “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period. If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance. Period.”

    And we all know how that turned out….

  3. Actually, Jesus mentioned a similar occurrence in Luke 13:4.

    “Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem?”

    So it’s not because of judgement, they have just really sucked at construction for the past 2,000 years.

  4. Perhaps Dr.Hojjat Ramzy can explain why then Allah must despise those who lay in the hospitals and will be seriously maimed and disabled for life, or why the families of those dead and so afflicted must suffer the consequences? Why were they left behind while the chosen few are glorified in heaven?
    I agree with Sig94. This wasn’t God’s judgement, this was shoddy construction and lack of safety awareness.

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