Apparently these are foods you should NEVER BUY!!! – IOTW Report

Apparently these are foods you should NEVER BUY!!!

I feel very unhealthy.

35 Unhealthiest American Groceries>>

I am scraping entire thing so you never have to click through 25 pages just to satiate your curiosity

35. Nutella

34. Cup Noodles

33. Cool Whip

32. Margarine

31. Wonder Classic white bread

30. Kraft singles

29. Spam

28. Pop-Tarts

27. Kraft macaroni and cheese

26. Frozen pizza

25. Potato chips

24. Chicken nuggets

23. Lunchables

22. Sugary cereals

21. Hot dogs

20. Pretzels

19. Smartfood white cheddar popcorn

18. Mega Stuf Oreos

17. Fruit Roll-Ups

16. Cheetos

15. Salad dressing

14. Gummy bears

13. Veggie sticks/straws

12. Granola and cereal bars

11. Store-bought smoothies

10. Some trail mix varieties

9. Gatorade

8. Agave nectar

7. Dried fruit

6. Some fruit cup snacks

5. Diet soda

4. Meatless burger

3. Quaker rice crisps

2. Spinach wraps and pasta

1. Canned baked beans

Baked beans aren’t necessarily unhealthy — in fact, they’re usually high in protein and fiber — but the canned variety typically adds in sugar, salt and other additives.

Just look at Bush’s Original Baked Beans, seasoned with bacon and brown sugar. One serving, or half a cup of beans, has 7 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, but also 570 milligrams of sodium and 11 grams of sugar.

Healthline also mentions that many bean cans contain the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in their interior lining, which can potentially leach into your food. Some research suggests BPA can elevate your obesity risk and even reduce fertility.

56 Comments on Apparently these are foods you should NEVER BUY!!!

  1. Take a look at the over inflated youth that is walking the streets. What are they eating? I think the issue is limiting your intake of many things so you don’t die of death by fork.

  2. Sounds like my mother’s diet, and she lived to be 98. I told her if she had taken better care of herself she would have lived longer. 🙂

    “Just look at Bush’s Original Baked Beans, seasoned with bacon and brown sugar. One serving, or half a cup of beans, has 7 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber, but also 570 milligrams of sodium and 11 grams of sugar.”

    I don’t look at any of those ingredients when I decide to buy a product to eat. I look at the carb count, then the fiber count, then I decide. I’m drinking a diet soda (7-up) right now. There’s a million ways to kill yourself or get yourself killed, not one thing on that list will kill you.

  3. I have chemical allergies and some things are just off limits. Consider this …

    My lips puffed up like a small cantelope last couple months. I was going through chapstick and lip balm like beer at a frat party. Eliminated this, and that, then more of those. Couldnt get a grasp on it. Turned out it was the inexpensive (cheap) walmart 100% (!) juices i was buying. They spray flavor enhancers and pesticides on them by the truck load.

    Dangerous shit.

    I cut that out and my lips returned to normal. Now i try to find USA produced organic juice.

  4. I drive a 53 year old car (sometimes very fast).
    I hunt with firearms that could cut me in half if I made a mistake.
    I ride my john boat into a swift water river in the dark before dawn to go duck and goose hunting.
    I climb tree stands before dawn to deer hunt.
    I use power tools that can cut my hand off in a split second if I don’t pay attention or use them incorrectly.
    I’m not worried about what I eat.

  5. Start of list for Hungjumper:

    The alternate list is WHAT 𝐓𝐎 EAT:

    Grass-fed only beef
    Properly raised pork
    Wild-caught fish (cod, salmon, rockfish, etc…)
    All the dark green vegetables (organically grown), particularly:
    -green beans
    -dark lettuces
    All squashes
    Lactose-free milk (2%, 1 glass/day)
    Organic, range-free eggs
    Olive oil, avocado oil
    Italian bread (!)

    Give up sugar, most lentils, legumes, okra, kale (yuck!), hard liquor, beer/wine (except w/food)

    (Well, this is my list, so pick and choose…)

  6. I forgot organic chicken and home-grown potatoes of multiple varieties. Holy crap, I must be suffering early-2022, post-party, holiday dementia… brain fog. Or, I need a glass of wine with some Italian bread and cheese…

  7. Beachmom – I ate TOO many of them over the years and now they don’t like me! And when I eat them, other people don’t like me. And then I don’t like me, so I stopped eating them. 🙂 (Figured some others might have the same problem.)

  8. I DO eat eight of the things things on the list above. But not all at once, so I think I’ll survive.

    And anyway, life might not be worth living without Cheetos…

  9. Decrease fertility my aching ass. I eat damn near everything listed, am pushing 63 years old and have 6,7&12 year old kids here. The rotten buzz kills left out Kool Aid, your Goddamned right we drink Kool Aid. As for Nutella, I forgot what it tastes like. I buy it in the Costco two-pack, but I’m afraid to get anywhere near the kitchen when the kids see it. A bastard could lose their life just getting caught between the kids and the toaster.

    The fuckers are just pissed off because they identified a population of people who might be enjoying themselves.

  10. If they were ACTUALLY worried about decreasing fertility, they would ban the Jab.

    And also ban teaching White boys that being male is toxic and to be avoided at all cost.

  11. I eat quite a few of the items on the list, but like Ann Nonymous Prime, not all together.

    As to the Bush’s baked beans. I like them for the convenience, but when I make my own bake bean casserole, it calls for 1 cup of maple syrup, so I guess the canned might be healthier!

  12. eat saald dressing, Ken’s Italian, 0 sugar or Aldi’s Special Select with very little sugar. What is their reasoning, if any, behind salad being on on a ‘no go’ list? Nathan’s hot dogs with loads of Woeber’s jalapeno mustard and suerkraut. Screw you list maker not giving those up. Once every 6 months and I think I’ll live.
    Most of the stuff listed and too many processed food has too much sugar for my tastes.

  13. I am seriously thinking that vegetables are tastier than meat. I’ll never be a Peta follower. But a lifetime of eating meat has gotten boring. The first bite is good, but the appetite for it falls off after that.

    Fer example, I just made a pot of tomato, red pepper, and onion soup. All cooked in veg. broth, bay leaf, and S & P and then put in a blender to mix up the flavors. At the end I added some ketchup for its savory flavor. No cream in it because the acidity in the tomatoes make cream curdle.

    Darned good soup. Red pepper is one amazingly tasty vegetable. Wife demanded I make it again. I said “Sure, Boss”. I always aim to please.

  14. The underlying false premise;
    if you eat what they propose, take the Jab, you will live a longer, happier life in a nursing home of you children’s or government’s choice.

    That’s my uplifting message for 2022.

  15. Any “No-no” list that does not include soda pop is bogus.
    Ingredients that I will not buy:
    High Fructose corn syrup
    Soy, Soy oil (Soy sauce is okay)
    Corn oil (except for Fritos. I ❤️Fritos)
    Hydrolyzed protein
    Hydrogenated oils
    Artificial sweeteners

    Exceptions made for Heavenly Doughnuts and my sons birthday parties 🥳

  16. We do this every few years. I always say the same thing.

    “Food is located around the perimeter of the store. Everything in the aisles is salt or sugar.”

    Then people tell me I’m wrong…until they go shopping.,

  17. Normal baked beans have sugar in them. Eat pinto beans if you don’t want baked beans.

    I’m going to die on my own terms and I’m going to never listen to these “experts” because “experts” lie.

  18. The assholes that write these dopey articles should be glorifying the choice, generally, that we have WHEN we go to the food markets.

    They complain in their arrogance, about eating ‘processed’ foods instead? And eating hot dogs?


  19. “Experts” – right… Sure, vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes are healthy, but boring, no matter how their flavored. Junk food occasionally, doesn’t do any harm.
    BTW, the experts forgot Hamburger Helper. That was my favorite meal as a teenager. Sure, it’s mostly sugar and salt, but it tastes great and it’s filling. Much better than starving.

  20. I don’t plan to live forever but while I’m here I plan on enjoying what I eat. That being said, there are quite a few items on that list that never make into my shopping cart.

    Meatless burger? Who would waste money on that except brain dead vegans and they only do it to complain about it being cooked in animal fat.

  21. Some items on that list are very specific (Smartfood white cheddar popcorn), others are quite generic (hot dogs). I’m guessing there is a big difference between the cheapest store brand hot dogs (made with every possible part of the pig/chicken/whatever) and the best quality (Hebrew National) all-beef dogs.

    In other words, I don’t trust the list.

  22. For the health conscious, our hot dogs are made from (among other things) chicken and pork assholes. The “all-beef” hot dogs are made using (among other things) only cow assholes. Many people choose this “healthy alternative” because of the power of advertising and the stupidity of the average consumer.

  23. There are few processed foods we eat – right now there’s the hambone & ham scraps from Christmas dinner cooking in the crock pot with 1# ea. lentils & black beans.
    Some for now, some frozen for later.
    You can absolutely suck at cooking and still make decent meals with a slow cooker.

  24. I have a Hebrew National hot dog about once every six months. Used to crave potato chips, but being on Keto, I tried a small bag once and threw them away after eating 2 or 3. Just didn’t satisfy like I thought it would.

    Now I eat low carbs, no sugar (as possible as I can get to zero sugar), and limit starch.

    Just made a yummy dinner tonight. Venison tenderloin on sliced baby portobello mushrooms with broccoli. The venison was from the deer that my nephew shot and I helped gut and process.


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