Appeals Court Frees Deportees Over Racial-Profiling Claims – IOTW Report

Appeals Court Frees Deportees Over Racial-Profiling Claims

Epoch Times: A federal appeals court has set aside deportation orders for two Guatemalan nationals because the Pennsylvania state trooper who pulled over the van they were riding in for speeding allegedly inferred that the two men were present in the country unlawfully based on their appearance.

The July 31 ruling came from a three-judge panel of the Philadelphia-based U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals. Two of the judges, Thomas Ambro and Midge Rendell, were appointed by then-President Bill Clinton. Judge Rendell is the wife of Ed Rendell, who was previously governor of Pennsylvania from 2003 to 2011, and who, from 1999 to 2001, headed the Democratic National Committee. The third judge, Anthony Joseph Scirica, was appointed by then-President Ronald Reagan.

The petitioners, Erick Geovany Yoc-Us and Luis Calel-Espantzay, were found in a van that a Pennsylvania state trooper pulled over for speeding. Both admitted they were illegal aliens from Guatemala who have lived and worked in New York since 2008. Several other illegals were also found in the van by the trooper. read more

10 Comments on Appeals Court Frees Deportees Over Racial-Profiling Claims

  1. What is this, some kind of freakin’ game?

    Okay. Now they know they are two illegals. They can go pick them up again and deport. But this crackpot decision should be appealed to the Supreme Court. What difference should it make how an illegal alien is discovered.

  2. It’s up to the people to do something about this, these out of control courts that make up their own rules out of their personal agendas.

    No one else will.

    If we allow it to continue, this is what we get.

    And it is only going to get worse.

  3. Yes, let’s ask for proof of identity (and citizenship) only from the Amish, elderly, Irish, and African Americans–that way we can avoid profiling the group MOST LIKELY TO BE IN THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY.

    This is the same insanity that said TSA needs to pat down granny so they don’t just profile 18-30 year-old muslim men.

  4. Elections have consequences. A clown like obama holding the highest office in our land for 8 years was a disaster unparalleled in US history.

    Now, biden – a louse who stood by the traitor for 8 years – wants our votes.


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