Appeals court gives Trump a win on transgender military service – IOTW Report

Appeals court gives Trump a win on transgender military service

WaTimes: A federal appeals court gave President Trump a win Friday in a case defending the administration’s policy limiting certain transgender people from serving in the military.

The federal circuit court in D.C. ruled the lower court erred in issuing an injunction against the president’s policy, saying the plan wasn’t a “blanket transgender ban.”

The court said former Security of Defense James Mattis’ plan had been developed with the help from military officials and medical professionals. It focused on limiting the service of transgender people who suffer from gender dysphoria and refuse to serve under their biological sex.

“Although today’s decision is not a final determination on the merits, we must recognize that the Mattis Plan plausibly relies upon the ‘considered professional judgment’ of ‘appropriate military officials,’” the court ruled in an unsigned opinion.

There are still other injunctions in place that had been issued by lower courts against the administration’s policy, so the Justice Department has asked the Supreme Court to step in.

Former Defense Secretary Ash Carter formally lifted the ban on transgendered citizens serving openly in the U.S. military last year. Under that policy initiated by Mr. Carter, transgendered individuals would have been able to enlist into the services by July.

Those plans came to a halt when Mr. Trump announced plans to ban all transgender citizens from enlisting and separating all transgender troops currently in uniform. The announcement came as Mr. Mattis was in the midst of a six-month review of the Obama-era policy.  more

8 Comments on Appeals court gives Trump a win on transgender military service

  1. Yup…this was ALWAYS fully stupid just from the way they treat LEGITIMATE medical conditions. Buddy of mine in the Guard became diabetic while in service, and was first denied a deployment, then given an honorable discharge, simply because they could not ensure an uninterrupted supply of necessary medication in a war zone.

    Now, translate that to the totally unnecessary, expensive, and difficult to handle hormones and such that transvestites scream for to help them maintain their delusions about being able to second-guess God.

    No. Just NO.

    …there’s a LOT of OTHER reasons to keep mentally ill people away from the military, but THAT one, all by ITSELF, should be sufficient as it is NOT exclusive to trannies and is ALREADY in FAIR use for every OTHER medical condition, which means they want a SPECIAL right that NOT one everyone else already has.

    …also, it looks stupid. Enjoy this pic from the Obama years, and just IMAGINE what it would look like with Hillary in da House.

    …and bear in mind that EVERYONE in a uniform in this image is pretending to be something they AREN’T…

  2. “The new standards for transgendered enlistment include certification that a recruit has been deemed “clinically stable” in their preferred sex for 18 months, and do not suffer from marked stress or impairment tied to their selected gender during certain scenarios tied to military service.”

    Why ANY transgender is allowed to enlist is beyond me. It should be a disqualifying factor.

  3. “… transgender people who suffer from gender dysphoria …”

    Why should the Armed Forces take on people with KNOWN mental disorders just to placate some mentally-disturbed politicians?

    First off, there is NO SUCH FUCKING THING as “transgendered!” Sex comes in two distinctions – male and female – “gender” as applied to sex is a falsity – a lie – a prevarication – a dissimulation – a distraction from the fact. It is a phony social “construct” with absolutely no basis in reality – the outward evidence of mental illness – delusion, if you will.

    That anyone pretends that this nonsense should be addressed as a serious consideration is a pathetic reflection of the debasement of our society (or a reflection of the pathetic debasement of our society?). It is difficult to believe that rational people pretend to such an extent – but there it is.

    For their own good, and the good of society, these mentally ill delusionals should be incarcerated. That’s why we used to have nut-houses.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. ““Limiting “certain” transgenders from military service” meaning what exactly? Only blondes?”

    …probably means any woman or person of color who pretends to be a White Man, @ gin blossom.

    In the CURRENT political climate, you’d have to be INSANE to say you’re one, since you’re limiting your career prospects, your college admittance possibilities, your access to Government gimmies, your get-out-of-jail FREE card, your press acceptance of any heinous crimes you may commit, and even giving up certain rights like the one about people can’t beat you up because of your race and gender…

  5. the military, by it’s very nature (particularly as a volunteer organization), needs to be discriminatory
    if I insist that I am transforming into a minion of Satan complete w/ my Darth Maul facial tattoos, then is the military obligated to let me in? or, I’m 65 years old … I insist the military let me in! … oops, they don’t? Discrimination!!!

    life sucks at times, snowflakes … you already have enough self-loathing, don’t make it harder on yourselves


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