Appeals Court Overrules Ending DACA – IOTW Report

Appeals Court Overrules Ending DACA

It’d be nice if our courts would uphold the Constitution once in a while.

Fox News

A federal court of appeals ruled Friday that the Trump administration’s revocation of DACA in 2017 was illegal, overturning a lower court’s ruling.

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia said the White House didn’t adequately explain its reasoning in the decision, which is a requirement of the Administrative Procedure Act, Bloomberg reported. The lower court had previously said there was nothing illegal about the revocation or how the administration went about it. More

14 Comments on Appeals Court Overrules Ending DACA

  1. So let me get this straight….a federal court refuses to overturn a law done by executive order which is legislating from the executive branch which is unconstitutional…..GOT IT!!!!! We really are screwed!!!!

  2. Time is overdue for a purge of the judicial system to return it to constitutional law. No room for ideology in determining and enforcing laws. May as well be flipping a frikkin coin the way things are going now.

  3. I keep coming back to…

    Shut it Down – Article V Convention of The States

    …before we’re completely broke, flooded with illegals, Communists and idiot Millennials and unable to hold a fraud-free election.

    I know. It’s desperate and it’s probably the equivalent of ‘release the Kraken.’

  4. This is an old practice often used.
    Years ago the politicians in my state voted themselves a pay raise. But did it in a way that violated the state’s constitution. A concerned citizen, a construction worker who read and understood the constitution, kept pointing out the pay raise was illegally done, till a lawyer finally understood it and filed a lawsuit. The problem was the pay raise also applied to the justices on the state supreme court. Who guess what – ruled that yes the pay raise was illegal, but hey, it’s too late now to take it back, everyone can keep their pay raise. Illegal laws once put into effect, are kept forever.

  5. Too bad that judge was sick the day they taught law at law school. The explanation is the original executive order was flagrantly unconstitutional. That good enough for ya yer honor?

  6. Go right to the SCOTUS as quick as they can. Politically appointed Judges like in the 9th and apparently now the 4th, can’t continue to ignore actual law and put their own delaying spin on cases or legislation. While we’re at it at some point some method has to be come up with to discipline rogue Judges (of any political persuasion) whose continued bad behavior results in suspension, demotion or outright termination. This crap has to stop.

  7. In Andrew Jackson’s immortal words, to Chief Justice John Marshall – “I see you’ve made your decision. NOW lets see you ENFORCE it.”

    Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd… FUDGE ‘EM! 😡


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