Yesterday a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals revived a sexual harassment lawsuit against Yolo County Sheriff Edward G. Prieto, who was charged with hugging a female officer more than 100 times over a 12-year period.
Prieto argued that he also hugged male employees. His lawyers said that if he hugged women more, it was because of “genuine but innocuous differences in the ways men and women routinely interact with members of the same sex and the opposite sex.”
But the 9th Circuit ruled against him, and said that hugging can create an abusive work environment it its unwelcome and pervasive.
If you carry some scabies around you can stop that shit
quick. Or you accidentally stab them in the thigh with a
sharpened pencil.
I don’t like touching people I have not hugged anyone in 40+ years. But I have been hugged by people in that time period. I can’t stand people who insist on hugging me.
It usually involves bad news.
Thank goodness I was employed before everybody got touchy. It was enough to do good work, and a raise.
One would think “anything goes” in a county named Y-O-L-O.
BUT…. having a dude who claims to be a woman peeing in the next stall of the Ladies restroom DOESN’T create a hostile work environment?
The Nutty Ninth should be broken up, so all they can screw up is Cali and Ore-gone.
♫ “I hugged the Sheriff,
But I did not grope the Deputy…” ♪
Hugging at work is the only physical attention I get. If they ban it altogether, I’m done for.
I copy what Oil Field Trash just said.
Wow! Even the same sex defense did not work!
Stressing hugs, that ninth circuit what a court.
Bosses expecting me to be to work on time and actually do some work created a hostile work environment for me. Time to head to the Ninth Circuit Court for some remediation (and a big payout)!
When my boss asked me to do some work that I did not want to do I told him that that was work that Americans won’t do and asked him to hire me an illegal alien to be my assistant in order to “Git Er Dun’!!
I thought this was settled in the early 80’s when I had to take down all the guy’s girly calendars in the machine shop so the womin on the production floor couldn’t sue the company?
no touchy feely, no ribald jokes, no wolf whistles.
it doesn’t even have to be the person hugged who needs to be offended, anyone who witnesses it can complain to human resources and they do if they do not like you.
very subjective stuff.
lawyers love these laws.
I’m a huggy kinda guy, but in the workplace, I touch NO ONE. I’ve seen too many people lose their jobs by being too touchy.
We have a cat box in Vermont the 9th. Circus can clean …. and probably one in each of Bernie’s three homes too!
I once had a good looking woman boss and one day I made the mistake of telling her she looked nice in red. She jumped on me “WHAT did you say?” I never complimented another woman in the workplace.