WAIT! This isn’t what that means! Noooooo! This is … BATHTIME!!!!
Images from:
1 Poor Lazlo (Angus)
2 Marco (Jameson)
3 Eugenia (Daffy Willow)
4 Big Gun
5 Corona (Durango)
6 Boehnerdict Ryan (Zoey)
7 Rose W (Emma)
The rest of the images are courtesy of pixabay.com
Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:
They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.
Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!
Easter Critters
Pesty critters
CONTEST! Here is the theme: Critters Acting Like Royalty
I will post the winners NEXT WEEK! You still have time to send your critter pictures in!
Angus says “Laslo, you said fetch. Now throw the damned stick!”
Claudia, I Love it,
More feel good posts are always needed!
Always watch Hope in the Wild, dr k’s exotic animals and Dr Pol.
Thank you, sincerely
Thank you. Thank you.
Awwwwww …
Good morning!
Thank you, again, Claudia!
Love the pig.
Thanks Ms. C.
Great pictures, Claudia! Thank-you so much for the preciousness! (Awww, Zoey!)
We’re going to need a bigger bucket
Shiney Happy Doggies Own the World
Happiest People Have:
DOGS – 36
DOGS and CATS – 28
CATS – 18
Dog People are twice as Happy
Cat Folk only half as much
I love it!!! Thanks for sending those in, people!
By the way, do they make Raccoon Chow?
Angus’ pic: I love the colors!
My pup is looking at me as though to say “DON’T let those pics give you ANY ideas!”
Thanks for another terrific collection, Claudia!
*true story
Walking the fields one day
Off leash
In the distance
Sniffs Sniffs
Rolling in the grass
Get closer to see why
A liquid cow patty
Aromatic too
Half a bottle of Shampoo worth
Great as usual and then at the end, unintended I know…
The ad with Hellery’s picture of her staring from the vehicle. Probably needs the bath and not nearly as loved as the critters…
Too cute! Daffy Willow jumped in the tub and gave herself a wash up.
Ohhhh my heart melts, puppy under a towel.Thank you!
Zoey has the ‘bath towel snoot’ pose down pat.
Awww the look of betrayal on their faces…! :’)
I feel sorta bad for laughing.