‘Aquaman’ Villain Is An Eco-Warrior – IOTW Report

‘Aquaman’ Villain Is An Eco-Warrior

The upcoming Aquaman movie pits King Orm / Ocean Master against the watery DC hero. Only this bad guy is a man on a completely understandable mission, destroy mankind for polluting the oceans. This is a continuation of what is becoming a common theme for Hollywood comic book movies; a bad guy with a legitimate beef.

“Well-meaning comic book movie villains are turning into a trend,” citing Black Panther’s Killmonger (racial inequality) and Avengers: Infinity War’s Thanos (overpopulation).  Of course,  Hollywood can’t make environmentalists look too bad. They still have to be likeable.” More

7 Comments on ‘Aquaman’ Villain Is An Eco-Warrior

  1. “Hey Gang, What’s the plan for tonight?”

    “We thought We would go plunk down a couple hours of pay and watch a

    Movie that ridicules Our Lifestyle and sh*ts on Our beliefs”

  2. Jennifer Connelly is real soothing to the eyes, but her 2008 remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still was a huge disappointment because it hustled the same “understandable mission, destroy mankind for polluting” theme.

    The original movie was so much better where in the message was ‘people of earth get your hostility under control because the other planets won’t tolerate you being a threat ‘. A good Cold War nuclear weapons age message.

    Jennifer followed the same theme of killing mankind off because of their environmental destruction of the earth in the movie Noah. Never watched it. It was too far off the original story all of mankind being destroyed because all but a handful of people being corrupted with their thoughts continuously on doing evil.


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