Arab Americans Prefer Trump Over Biden by 14 Points – IOTW Report

Arab Americans Prefer Trump Over Biden by 14 Points

National Pulse:
A new poll from the Arab American Institute reveals that former President Donald J. Trump holds a substantial lead over the Democrat incumbent Joe Biden among Arab Americans in crucial battleground states. The surveypublished on Thursday, indicates that 32 percent of Arab Americans in Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Virginia would choose Trump, compared to 18 percent for the 81-year-old Biden, reflecting a 14-point advantage for the Republican presidential nominee.

Among the respondents, 25 percent indicated they were “not sure” about their vote, surpassing the number of Biden supporters. Notably, 59 percent of Arab Americans said they had voted for Biden in the 2020 election, signaling a significant shift in voter sentiment. MORE

9 Comments on Arab Americans Prefer Trump Over Biden by 14 Points

  1. So 32% of the terrorists xiden let walk over the border are voting for Trump, 18% for xiden, 25% are undecided, and the other five hundred thousand seem to be missing.

    Good job Mr. Pretender!!!!


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