Archbishop Has Warning For America – IOTW Report

Archbishop Has Warning For America

American Thinker-

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is a noteworthy maverick within the Catholic Church hierarchy.  He retired as papal nuncio to the United States in 2016 and has exposed what he sees as great scandals within his Church.—

The electoral fraud of the 2020 presidential election against President Trump has shown itself to be organic to this global operation, because in order to impose illegitimate restrictions in violation of the principles of law it was necessary to be able to make use of an American President who would support the psycho-pandemic and support its narrative. The Democratic Party, part of the deep state, is carrying out its task as an accomplice of the system, just as the deep church finds in Bergoglio its own propagandist. The recent rulings of the Supreme Court and the autonomous action of some American states — where the vaccination obligation has been declared unconstitutional — give us hope that this criminal plan can collapse and that those responsible will be identified and tried: both in America as well as in the whole world. 


ht/ tony r

14 Comments on Archbishop Has Warning For America

  1. I don’t think he “retired”. He knew too much so Francis sent him to the Balkans. He investigated the Vatican bank scandal and blew the whistle on unnatural “acts” some of Francis’ good buddies were into.

  2. This is the best rendering of the root cause of the trouble we are in. Without honoring God and putting him first in our lives we will be inevitably subject to Satan’s tyranny.

  3. To KCIR, I pray for a change of heart in you towards the Church. The Lord, Jesus Christ is present in the Sacraments and in the Tabernacle. Don’t deny yourself access to His glory because of the sins of man. Trust me, I struggle with it too but Christ is there and I won’t let the enemy’s plots turn me away. (Also, the Body of Christ needs truth tellers and manly warriors to lead the way and I see that in you through the daily comments) Peace and Merry Christmas

  4. There is no judgement to condemnation within my post, though, discernment should provide understanding that great tribulation is very near and as such we must speak plainly and with earnest desire for repentance, making straight the Way of YHWH. YHWH cannot punish Ephraim and Judah for mixing worldly pagan ways with worshiping Him and not apply the same “weights and measures” to the nations which He has driven them. Partiality and diverse weights and measures are an abomination to Him.

    Do they “believe” in the same Elohim? Do they walk in the Way of YAH? How can that be when they term the Tanakh, the Witness of YHWH, and thus Yahshua, as “old”, outdated and “for the jews”. How can you even come close to understanding anything in the letters of the Apostles when you ignore and even denigrate that which is the eternal Word of YHWH? Emunah with YHWH is not some mental acquiescence of existence, but it is the understanding that the Witnesses of YHWH, both written and in the flesh, are our standard which we must strive in daily. Knowing that we will stumble, fall and even face plant in our efforts, yet, we are renewed each day to rise and strive in the guarding of His Way. To run the course, finish the race to receive the crown of glory. This is not a game, it is not an event where we get participation trophies. It is Life or Death. Choose Life.

    His Truth is sharper than any two edged sword! Dividing between bone and marrow. You will be hated by family, friends and the world. Yes, absolutely there will be division, as there is division between light and darkness. I would say that the 50K sects of christianity speaks for itself. There will always be those who, whether through zealousness or evil, will cause unnecessary division, but, as is His Way, in the end it will be to His praise and glory.

    Not one of us has complete understanding of the breadth, depth and height of His Word, and thus, His Way. He knows that we must each crawl before we can walk, etc.. and cannot be perfect in our walk, but, He does require that we be steadfast (fidelity) in our walk.

    Peace be unto you

  5. Henry B: Not ALL the priests, but too many. During the Stalin era, the Catholic Church in America was deliberately infiltrated by Soviet Communist operatives selected specifically because they were homosexuals. They were sent to the seminaries, and from there rose up through the ranks. This was testified under oath before HUAC in the late 1940’s. Roman Catholic Church was targeted because it was the largest denomination and it was solidly opposed to communism. But Christ promised his Church will not be destroyed.

  6. The Plandemic is all tied into the Climate Cult, who are a bunch of lunatic assholes hell bent on massive depopulating of the human race by “stealth” means, e.g. like sterilizing the population or killing off the old and “unproductive” via mandatory “vaccines”.

    And since many climate cultists are also big fans of centralized governments, they will choose all the wrong people to kill off while preserving a world of useless assholes just like themselves. They’re ushering in a dark age, way worse and longer than the last one.


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