Arctic poised to unleash another massive cold outbreak for Eastern US – IOTW Report

Arctic poised to unleash another massive cold outbreak for Eastern US



Paul Dorian sends word that there’s a change brewing in the Arctic that may result in a massive and extended cold outbreak for the Northern hemisphere, much like what we saw in late December and early January when record breaking cold swamped the eastern USA. He writes:

We are now experiencing warmer-than-normal weather conditions in the eastern US and there will be mild spells right into the first week of February, but the signs are increasing for a return to a cold pattern next month and it may very well last for an extended period of time.  The MJO is a tropical disturbance that propagates around the global tropics and it will be transitioning into “phases” during the month of February that are conducive to colder-than-normal weather in the eastern US.  In addition, stratospheric warming will unfold over the next week or so in the polar region of the Northern Hemisphere and this can set off a chain of events in the atmosphere that ultimately results in colder-than-normal weather for the eastern US.  There are other signals as well that support the notion of a return to cold in the eastern US and it very well could stick around for awhile. read more

16 Comments on Arctic poised to unleash another massive cold outbreak for Eastern US

  1. City people hate below freezing temperatures. Rural people not so much because when the ground is frozen it’s not muddy. It’s better to look for the positive side than whine about the negative.

  2. I was just getting used to the glorious warm weather here recently. 20-35 degrees with some days creeping up to 50 degrees! It was enjoyable while it lasted, but, back to winter!

  3. Speaking as an organic gardner, come on cold, it kills bugs, lots and lots of bugs.
    I don’t care how cold it gets outside, I’m not going to let then in.
    Hope all the outside pipes that were gonna, have already busted during the snow storm.
    Been a while since we in the deep south have gotten a Winter Participation trophy.

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