Brad Thor could never be as stupid as he was sounding and have the ability to write books.

I’ve always said, if you were truly a patriot you’d eventually see the light that you shall never cede the power of the presidency to a leftist. Whatever cockamamie, convoluted plan you have for the “long term” is simply stupid in light of what you’d be giving up in the present.

#NeverTrump will be winnowed, eventually, to an asinine group of bitter, petty schmucks that will ultimately lash out at Ted Cruz, himself, when Cruz finally admits that Hillary must be stopped.



  1. I’m with aleon, I’m not going over to that asshole’s site but I bet they have their burrito’s in a wad.

    I think it is hilarious that band of “patriots” is run by a bigot that claims to be a Mexican. If he is Mexican he can piss off back there, If he’s not he should swim over and soak up the good life.

  2. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he sees the light but it’s also funny that he’s now one of the …I believe he once said…. ‘assholes’ who are voting for Trump. Welcome to the group, ‘Asshole’. 😀

  3. And these guys are supposed to be the smart, sophisticated, principled conservatives?! Get over it already. I read the entire analogy – join the club, that is exactly how most of us felt about McCain and Romney but we didn’t spend months trying to defeat them and destroy the country out of some misguided sense of principle. 63% still say they don’t agree with Thor. Get out the crayons..

  4. I have faith that all patriots will come to realize that Trump, although not perfect, is by far the best choice for the United States.
    A reasoned mind could not, in good conscience, vote otherwise. It is time to step up, step forward and be part of the solution to the past 7 3/4 years of corrupt progressive/socialist regression.

  5. Good. And Levin complemented Trump’s speech. Maybe he is looking for a way back in. A very public preference cascade from Nevertrump to Trump would be awesome. Come on nevertrumpers, we know you got some big brains over there. Stop dicking around with hobby candidates and step up to the Big Show.

  6. The new NeverTrump line (yes, I monitor these people, daily) is that “if every #NeverTrump voted for Trump it wouldn’t matter.

    Then how was Cruz supposed to win?
    Also, as I explained when rebutting Ben Shapiro, your #NeverTrump bleating doesn’t exist in private, a vacuum that doesn’t effect other people.
    Your drumbeat is designed to influence others, and it’s designed to create an atmosphere of negativity, it’s designed to help Hillary.
    You’re not simply not rowing the boat, you’re telling anyone else rowing the boat that they are assholes and that you’re better than them and that they should put down the oars.

    How are you simply not voting for Trump on principle while writing breathless headlines about Trump losing, Hillary winning and having your minions tweet it, facebook and spread it all over social media with glee?

    It sounds an awful lot like someone wearing a Ready For Hillary hat to me.

  7. I, like many others, was a Cruz supporter from a philosophical POV, but I was a Trump supporter from a pragmatic POV.

    When 2 things happened [Cruz losing the Rep primary & HRC/DNC conspiring against Sanders] I knew we had to go all out for Trump.

    Remember—-whenever statists [commies, nazis, etc.] take power, they will consolidate & solidify their political position by eliminating/destroying/marginalizing their political opponents. They will NEVER, EVER give up their position voluntarily; WHY?—BECAUSE THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY SURE THEIR WAY IS THE RIGHT & ONLY WAY.

    Here’s an article “How We [the Communists] Took Over Hungary”

    Read & heed….

  8. kudzu, trump supporters don’t want people they view as ‘dirty’ voting for Trump.
    To be allowed to vote for Trump is a privilege, and those who haven’t earned the right are to stay away.
    They aren’t needed. Trump has it in the bag.
    Voters are overrated anyway.

  9. It’s ‘Precious Snowflake’ syndrome. All of these assholes have to be seen as being special, nuanced and cerebral. They can’t just agree with the rest of us drones on the obvious course of action. That’s just beneath them. They must create drama and embark upon a tortured quest to solve a problem that we already solved. Douchebags.

  10. Despite the warts, Trump is the last hope to retain any sanity in this republic. How that is not clear to all is baffling. The left is busy dismanteling this country and we get people overly exersised about some gruff language…god almighty what have we become?

  11. Ha! So funny to watch all these sophisticated brainiacs turn, one by one, into the means to an end in the exact way they looked down their noses at us vulgarians. Yup, glad to have them going public with their startling admissions; it’s good for the team. But their silly and damaging efforts will not be forgot. Betting these same people will be the first to find frequent and repeated fault with President Trump starting in January.

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