Are blacks moving towards the center? – IOTW Report

Are blacks moving towards the center?

Powerline: I think almost everyone who pays close attention to politics understands that white Democratic leftists hold more extreme views than most black Democrats. Studies by prominent African-American scholars confirm this understanding. They also indicate that blacks now hold less extreme views than white Democrats as a whole.

Thomas Edsall summarizes the findings of these scholars, and some related polling data, in this article for the New York Times. He cites the work of Katherine Tate, a political scientist at Brown. She contends that starting in the 1980s:

[P]ublic opinion revealed a distinctive shift toward political moderation [among blacks]. The black opinion shift, I argue, is based on the transformation of African-American politics, away from radical challenges to the political status quo toward inclusive, bipartisan electoral politics.

The Democratic Party as a whole, however, is moving precisely in the direction of “radical challenges to the status quo” and away from bipartisanship.

Edsall says that contemporary polling provides evidence of moderation among black Democrats, at least compared to the views of white Democrats: MORE

8 Comments on Are blacks moving towards the center?

  1. Let’s hope this means that more Americans, and not only black Americans, are beginning to understand what it costs to have the govt give away a lot of free stuff. Not only the money, but also the loss of liberty, self-respect, and erosion of cultural value.

  2. The black population of the US are seeing their favored position with the left (as victims to be coddled) eroding. They are being left behind like used-up detritus, to be replaced by illegal aliens.

    I pray that they not only reject the left, but that they also learn how to become productive citizens of this country instead of ‘helpless victims’ who sponge off taxpayers.

    Edit: What Uncle Al said x100!

  3. Blacks have always been right of center.
    They just had to break the bonds and escape the lies.
    Progs did it by pandering to brown non citizens, and lying to blacks, over and over.
    The internet has a way of proving and disproving lies.
    Listen to the black politicians in DC, they beez scared.

  4. The worst fight I ever had with my dad was when I called FDR a communist. He was of the generation that thought he was a God.
    Later in life my dad was a confirmed Reagan supporter, as was I.
    I bring this up to say just because blacks have traditionally been dems doesn’t mean they can wise up. I welcome anyone to the conservative cause. Ultimately conservatism is about the primacy of individual rights over the collective, statist view. Everyone should want that. It falls to conservatives to point out the distinction.


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