Are Democrats Beginning To Turn On Mueller? – IOTW Report

Are Democrats Beginning To Turn On Mueller?

DC: Some congressional Democrats appear concerned that special counsel Robert S. Mueller isn’t being thorough enough in his investigation into President Donald Trump.

Democratic Rep. Adam B. Schiff, Mueller’s No. 1 defender on Capitol Hill, believes Mueller could decline an investigation into the president’s businesses, he told the Los Angeles Times editorial board.

One issue of particular interest to Democrats, Schiff said Monday, was the ongoing negotiations between Trump’s allies and representatives from the Russian government over a skyscraper in Moscow during the 2016 election.  more here

6 Comments on Are Democrats Beginning To Turn On Mueller?

  1. Trump should counter by investigating every damn democrat in the house and senate. You know these people have committed multiple felonies to get and hold onto what they’ve stolen from taxpayers.
    Oh yeah and justice John Roberts too.

  2. @ A.Moose JANUARY 9, 2019 AT 3:52 PM

    Here’s a hint – Johnnyboy Roberts knows this: If it involves a live boy or a dead girl, all of that is passe’ with Democrats and establishment Republicans nowadays. Hell even a second dead boy in as many years barely gets noticed by the press if have the right friends in high places.

    Whatever it is they have on Roberts, it must be really over the top.

  3. The money WASTED on the Mueller Insamity…
    Would have provided a outstanding barrier at the border,
    The Jack Assez will spend on anything else,
    Dirty, thieving, lawless scum that they are.

    And the worthless barry appointees to the high court.

  4. Robespierre Mueller and the Committee of Public Safety will not be denied their right to turn over every pebble in the search for public enemies colluding with colluders. As we await the Mueller Report, remember there are thousands of Macedonian Content Farmers responsible for keeping the most qualified person to ever run for anything in the history of this country from being able to save it from the Great Usurper. They must be deposed. Give him another couple of years to get to the top of the bottom of this treasonous conspiracy to follow the Constitution using the Electoral College to prevent both coasts from determining who gets to replace RBG. Ya got that, Vern?


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