Are Inauguration Boycotters Taking Themselves Out of the Game? – IOTW Report

Are Inauguration Boycotters Taking Themselves Out of the Game?

CBS News is reporting today that upwards of 35 House Democrats are not going to attend the inauguration because Donald Trump isn’t our legitimate president.  Which raises a question about how these office holders are planning on representing their districts if they believe the executive branch has no right to govern.


The way the author describes Maxine Waters (CA -D) is worth the read alone.

34 Comments on Are Inauguration Boycotters Taking Themselves Out of the Game?

  1. Old Maxine, who was censured by the House in 2012 over ethics violations. Seems the bitch has a problem with race (if you are not BLACK). So she wants to start impeachment…good luck with that, you bonky old twat. Time to let the IRS start deep probing her affairs.

  2. Bunch of fuckin’ crybabies. I didn’t get my way so I’m gonna hold my breath till I do get my way!

    Fuck ’em, no one will miss them. Who actually gives a shit if they don’t show up for the inauguration? I for damn sure don’t!

  3. First of all, I’d say, “OK, so what you are saying is, you are opting out. You don’t recognize the American people voting. Fine. But from this day forward, we DO NOT RECOGNIZE YOU either. So, don’t bother standing up in congress and putting anything forward. The chair DOES NOT RECOGNIZE YOU for the next 4 to 8 years.”

    Secondly, wouldn’t you love to see that wig ripped off that evil, racist, imbecile Maxine’s head?

  4. I’m with JMV and ironyCurtain totally. I wonder how many of these asswipes are up for election in the next 2 years? If any of them are, I hope their constituents have LONG memories and kick their asses out!

  5. …& not be allowed on any committees … go sit in the back with that idiot Eleanor Norton from DC

    … no wonder Ringling Brothers closed down … too much competition from these clowns

  6. BTW – having read the AM. SPECTATOR article indicated, I’m just glad I wasn’t the author who had smoke blown in his face by this troll. I would have back-handed the bitch all over the elevator. A little jail time would have been worth it!! ;^)

  7. Has representing their district ever been a priority for these tapeworms or has lining their pockets and polishing their egos been their number one concern? Inquiring minds want to know!

  8. They’re congresscritters. They’re up for election every two years. But Maxine waters is the representative from Watts. She’s a slave owner.

    But I agree with @ironyCurtain.

    These nozzles aren’t disrespecting Trump. They’re disrespecting the majority of people who voted for Trump. They weren’t duped by Russian propaganda. We hated fucking Hillary long before that. She’s a evil hag. Voting against her was obvious.

    So I would like to offer a big FUCK OFF to each and every Democrat, attending or not, and offer you the same level of civility as you’ve afforded us since even the early days of Bush 43.

  9. if you’re 5’4″, 340 lbs and need your stomach stapled to lose weight, only to not succeed, you’re a fricking idiot

    nadler, another lefty winner

    sorry, getting mean and critical

  10. And when Trump lowers taxes, gets rid of many regulations, and repeals and replaces Obamacare, the people in their districts should not be allowed to get any of these benefits. The petty imbeciles that represent them have chosen to not support Trump as their president so they, and their districts who were stupid enough to vote for them, should have no right to what President Trump accomplishes.

  11. With a pinch of luck, a pinch of blessing – these people will be boycotted by the voters next election by be permanently gone, out of sight, out of thought.

    If they wanted to finish destroying the DemonRat party would they do anything different?

    Maxine can find work teaching driver’s ed. She has more talent for that than being a congress critter.
    See for yourself: .

  12. I hope all the California Nazis face their day of reckoning. Preferable after Northern California becomes it’s own state and they need to figure out how to pay for all the Free Shit. Maxine Waters is one step up from a Rabid Pit Pull. She really doesn’t know what she’s pissed off about, she’s just pissed off.

    Hey, all you single IOTWers out there, thank me later.

  13. OooooOooOh now it’s up to FIFTY!!! According to washington post.
    Probably the same assholes who figure they’ll lose the next election so they’re going to act a fool right now. LOL.
    Little bitches. Gaaah. Grown fucking adults acting like this. Remember when it was the south Koreans fighting and acting crazy during their gumbint meetings? We’re not only a banana republic, we’re a Kimchee republic, too.

  14. maxine waters defended the rodney king la riots, including the brick to the head that resulted in permanent brain damage to that poor trucker caught in the chaos by doing his job

    maxine, i hope to see the day that you die and are pulled into the abyss we know as hell

  15. The Nation will be grateful they’re not showing up. Should be able to cut down on garbage bills, security issues, and EPA concerns. Should be a lot less human waste on the lawn. Ebonics and Niglish interpreters will be freed up for more important concerns. There will be fewer dead bodies, needles and condoms to step over. Crime rate in the area should go down. Audience will be able to hear the President’s speech rather than listening to Rap shit. Most pan handlers, homeless, drug addicts, fugitives, illegals, runaways, and prostitutes will be where the 35 democrats are. Tons of reporters will follow the democrats. Again, cutting down on litter and human waste on the lawn.

  16. 2 things: (and Sundance wrote a great piece on this subject today)

    1) A huge percentage of these people, as is noted, are from the states won by Killery. I’m glad they won’t be there to call attention to themselves and away from the main event, which everyone else on the right side of America will be watching.

    2) Trump, by calling them out, is causing them to double, triple, quadruple down and thus expose themselves for the psychos they truly are. I just saw (here?) a ‘shop of the iconic tongue stuck to the metal pole. That’s what Trump has done to the Left. LOL! “I triple dog dare ya!”

  17. They’re making themselves irrelevant.

    Let the IRS give them a thorough looking over. These grifters will all have assets and mystery cash flow they haven’t declared.
    Prosecute, and there will be a lot of vacant seats in 2018.
    Those with GOP governors can appoint a GOP replacement to finish the vacant term.
    Trump’s Cabinet shows he knows how to play that game.

  18. They are irrelevant and they have supplied the basis of their being immaterial as well.

    They’re supplying the basis of kicking their own arses out the door. Didn’t ask for their opinion, don’t need it, couldn’t care less about it.

    Well…. Bye.

  19. Hold it in the Senate chambers and confirm every damn one of Trump’s appointments. Hell, it probably doesn’t need to be in the Senate chambers so long as there is a quorum, call the Senate into session and start confirming like a house afire.

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