Are lawsuits and lawyers are taking the fun out of Disneyland? – IOTW Report

Are lawsuits and lawyers are taking the fun out of Disneyland?


“People just have no common sense. Most activities have some inherent risk. It’s to the point where Disney’s tolerance for risk is zero. It used to be they expected that people would have some common sense.” More

6 Comments on Are lawsuits and lawyers are taking the fun out of Disneyland?

  1. I’ll admit, I love it there, though I was about 10 when I went. I might also dislike the crowds now, but I’d try to deal with it for the one day or weekend, because I would love to let my boy experience the fun of it. If you are careful and don’t act like an idiot I’d hope it can still be pretty magical.

  2. 1972, got kicked out of Disneyland for laughing too much, no, really.
    Thankfully, so much has changed in the public opinion of service men.
    I would know how to behave on a whine train in Napa, or a terrorist train in France.

  3. I love rollercoasters, but I no longer ride the kind which has the padded restraint which comes down over the head and chest. It ratchets tighter only and I am sick of having my chest compressed by some kid who jams it down tight enough for the lawyers. It’s no fun anymore when you wait in line for an hour to get the Heimlich and have your ears boxed for one minute.

    Open cockpit and lap bar forever.

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