Are New Yorkers Getting Wise To Chuck Schumer? – IOTW Report

Are New Yorkers Getting Wise To Chuck Schumer?

In the six months since Donald Trump was inaugurated,  it’s become painfully obvious that along with not knowing that a pair of glasses do not belong at the tip of one’s nose, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is making his decisions based on politics, rather than what’s good for the United States or his constituents in New York.  As a result (according to the latest Sienna poll) Schumer’s favorability ratings among NY voters are at the lowest level ever.  — More at The Lid


17 Comments on Are New Yorkers Getting Wise To Chuck Schumer?

  1. Using his position to go after Trump for humiliating him on an almost daily basis. Chuckles is a vindictive little prick, and Trump has carved a ham off his ass.

  2. And yet retirement will be the only path to Chuck Schumer leaving the Senate. New York will continue to vote this guy in every time. I hate to sound cynical. But I live in this state. It doesn’t matter if the entire population upstate wants this asshole to hit the bricks. The millions of votes in NYC will keep him in place.

  3. Schumer follows the same predictable script… something horrible happens and the next day Chuckie is on site expressing his outrage at the event. This sanctimonious prick is boring beyond belief.

  4. It is always interesting to see what happens to “leaders” when they are actually placed in a position to lead. Schumer mimics Pelosi, Ryan and McConnell mimic Schumer and Pelosi.

    The blind following the blind.

  5. Someone needs to flood the internet with photos of Schmuck Choomer next to Carlos Danger. The first 20 hits on google images need to show those two together. Whenever people think Chuckie, the need to envision Weiner. Tie Weimer around Chucks neck.

  6. Pathological liar. Only paid attention to him since the GWB days. Was stunned to see him habitually lie with a straight face. Appalled at the number of times he’d sabotage President Bush, even though his sabotage would harm the country, just because he did not want anything positive to happen on GW’s watch. He needs to go. To hell. On another site yesterday a blogger suggested NYC become the 51st state.

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