Are Perceptions of COVID Changing? – IOTW Report

Are Perceptions of COVID Changing?

American Thinker:
By Anthony J. Ciani

Mask and vaccine mandates are less politically damaging than they should be.  Recent polls show that around 64% of Americans support mask mandates, although less than half view masks as effective.  One in four view masks as hazardous and ineffective.  Playing on COVID fears, Democrats are beating Republicans 45% to 33% on their handling of the COVID pandemic.  John Q. Public views the party that called the pandemic a hoax, that played games with lockdowns, and that had plentiful hairdresser and French Laundry moments as they abused and made light of the pandemic, to be more trustworthy on the issue.  Why, and what can be done to correct this?

The repetition of the big lie, suppression of facts and lack of personal experiences have skewed perceptions.  Big Media and Big Tech have consummated an unholy alliance with Big Government to spread “fact checks” and disinformation masquerading as truth.  If government disinformation is the problem, then privately spreading information is the solution.

A scientist colleague proclaimed, “I cannot believe how anti-science the Republicans are acting.”  I corrected him, “the Republicans are the only ones following the science.”  I informed him that the CDC’s studies showed that masks were ineffective, that other studies suggested masks would worsen the spread and severity of disease, and that Pfizer’s Phase II/III vaccine trials suggest that their vaccine will kill three healthy people through side effects to save one life from COVID (over six months, with declining efficacy).  Meanwhile, there are multiple effective therapies, such as ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, budesonide, vitamin D3, zinc, azithromycin, and hydroxychloroquine, which are inexpensive and can individually reduce deaths by over 80% and can be used in combination. more here

h/t NAAC.

19 Comments on Are Perceptions of COVID Changing?

  1. As a sentient human being I was mistakenly under the impression that my fellow countrymen were by & large intelligent and reasonable people.

    I was so fucking wrong!
    Perhaps I’m not as smart as I thought?

    No, that cannot be.
    It’s simply the fact that so many are easily manipulated, indoctrinated, comfortable sheep…headed to market.

  2. “John Q. Public views the party that called the pandemic a hoax, that played games with lockdowns, and that had plentiful hairdresser and French Laundry moments as they abused and made light of the pandemic, to be more trustworthy on the issue. ”

    Which is why we took over the media first.

    We will ALWAYS reach more idiots than YOU do as a result, and they will believe whatever WE tell them.

    Now put on your mask and go get your jab or we’ll incite them to burn your house down. And hurry it UP, The Big Guy is losing his patience.

  3. political attacks on the unvaxed will lead to physical attacks. It’s part of the resident “uniter” plan.

    The unvaxed will be (already are being) blamed for everything. Remember, the resident already warned he would use nukes against the American people.

  4. I plan to self-quarantine from the stupid on my own terms. I’m just glad everyone in my family is on the same page as me, and I hope it lasts.

    One of the most horrible effects of the Civil War was how it split families on loyalty. The same thing is happening with covid, because of the government and fascist corporations. I read where a hospital system, in CA of course, is fining vaccinated healthcare workers $100 per pay check if their spouse is not vaccinated? Medical privacy? F—k that. Next, they’ll be snooping on roommates of healthcare workers to see what knid of fines they can levy there.

    I know guys who got the jab to live peacefully with their hysterical wives. I know grandparents who got the jab just so their freaked-out kids would let them see the grandchildren. It seems like a decade ago when everybody was staying away from grandma so she could live. Now grandma and grandpa are Typhoid Mary and Marty. What the f—k kind of horror-show world are we letting these power-crazed bureaucrats and corporate suits create? Like I said, I won’t be a part of it.

  5. The D-Ratz have managed to divide people into combative groups more effectively with a virus that has a recovery rate of about 98.5% than using their more traditional, time-proven methods of race, sex, sexual preference, gender, color, religion, class, political affiliation, etc. Tell me again how this is all about our health!!

  6. Between Covid and Trump I’ve witnessed people whom I thought I knew make me realize how many people have Play Dough for brains. I am literally astounded.

  7. According to the last iotw poll, 15% of iotw commentators are vaxxed.
    I would guess 99.9% are AGAINST the mandates and masks.
    This is the way it should be across the entire country.
    It’s beyond comprehension the number of Americans willing to give up their freedom.
    So fucking sad.

  8. As more and more people die from the JAB (or from COVID with the jab) and our economic floor falls away in 2022 like cheap Chinese concrete, these polls will change. We must be patient, unlike our Thief-In-Chief. But most of all, we must remain ADAMANT against mandates!

  9. Totally checked out of this non-issue.

    If the Red Chinese Wuhan Death gets me, well, that would suck. But I refuse to cower and obey the new totalitarian government. I will continue to live my life. Fuck it.

    I would rather be a free man than a subject.

    You people who drive alone in your cars with your useless masks on look like idiots. But you only look like idiots because you are….idiots.

  10. I’ve seen so many people who I thought were conservative, thought had common sense, turn into the covid insane, so this wouldn’t surprise me.

    Something I’ve also learned though is they are followers, where it’s not the in thing to wear masks they take them off, but then you’ll see them other places wearing them.


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