Are Russians Secretly Backing US Enviros? – IOTW Report

Are Russians Secretly Backing US Enviros?


An open records lawsuit filed against the State Department is attempting to uncover whether Russian entities attempted to financially support U.S. environmentalist causes.

The Institute for Energy Research (IER) — a free-market energy group based in Washington, D.C. — filed the lawsuit on Monday. IER has requested that the State Department hand over correspondence concerning hydraulic fracturing, environmental advocacy and Russia that was exchanged to and from high-ranking employees.

The lawsuit follows a Freedom of Information Act request filed by IER back in October. However, the free-market group claims State Department officials are dragging their feet on providing the requested information.

“Any foreign attempts to covertly influence U.S. energy policy must be exposed and met with full consequences,” read a Monday statement from IER President Thomas Pyle. “Particularly given what we have already learned, the State Department’s evident lack of interest in examining this issue of obvious concern to congressional oversight, or in bothering with a substantive response to our request even when pressed, is deeply concerning.”

The State Department failed to hand over responsive records to IER by Nov. 23, despite a legal obligation to do so, according to the free-market group’s press release. Department officials have cited a “backlog” as reason for their slow pace, and have only acknowledged receipt of the request.

“We hope State corrects this matter immediately by providing the necessary records to document what has been happening behind the backs of the American people. The State Department must be clear: foreign meddling in U.S. energy policy or markets will not be tolerated under any circumstances,” Pyle continued in his statement.  MORE

14 Comments on Are Russians Secretly Backing US Enviros?

  1. There is more Russian Collusion with US environmental / green energy groups than there was in the 2016 election.

    Surprise. The gas station with an army seeks useful idiots to shut its main competitor down.

  2. Why wouldn’t they. Years ago when this whole carbon credit boondoggle came dangerously close to passing Russia had been assigned carbon credits based on the carbon they were producing under the USSR which was a huge amount because of the massive use of coal and the general inefficiency of manufacturing and power production. When the USSR collapsed massive numbers of these mines and factories closed and no longer produced carbon but the UN gave them credit anyway. It was billions in free money for doing absolutely nothing. This was around the same time as Al “Chicken Little” Gore was talking a “Planetary Emergency” and we had to start immediately and it may be too late already etc etc etc. The UN then gave dispensation to India and Chine (two of the top producers of carbon) wherein they didn’t have to cut back carbon or purchase carbon credits from countries like Russia which had lots. The whole thing was a fraud but it’s made Gore and people like Tom Steyer obscenely rich.
    So, if Russia can somehow steer the US back to this fraud they stand to make lottsa dough. Trebles All Around Comrades!

  3. Russians! They’ll be our downfall! They’re at the door!

    My ass.

    Think of the Russians (a very small number of people politically speaking) as that guy you play pool with. For money. He’s pretty damn good at it. Then again, so are you.

    Is there any need for a fistfight after the game? Nope. Would some in the peanut gallery like there to be? Yep.

    But those in the viewing seats are nimrods, morons, and bankers. Thankfully, everybody with a say so in both governments for the last forty years or so KNOWS we’re not going to war. Ain’t happening. But good lord, the people been prognosticating and (sick as that is) trying to cause one haven’t managed to do so.

    You think Hillary offed some troublesome phucks to her agenda? Both governments done the same to a more than few that tried to accelerate a head to head between them. And they talked about it beforehand.

    If you don’t think it works like this, you probably haven’t held that high a clearance.

    I’m glad it does work like this. My grandchildren are still growing older. How ’bout yours?


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