Are There People Who Actually Swallow Biden’s Bull$hit? – IOTW Report

Are There People Who Actually Swallow Biden’s Bull$hit?

If prices double in a year, but then don’t go up 1 month, you don’t brag about how well you’re doing, you phuckin idiot.

He did the same damn thing with jobs. He gutted them, and then called himself the president with the largest job creation record in history when the people laid off came back to work.

I can’t stand this stupid son-of-a-shitstain.

27 Comments on Are There People Who Actually Swallow Biden’s Bull$hit?

  1. 81 million votes was the first lie.
    Vax was the second.
    And then it just devolved from there. Too many lies to catalog. Especially on an iPhone keyboard.
    You all know.

    Joe Biden should be torn apart by wild dogs.

  2. This pig-eyed, lying, old bastard says whatever he thinks the situation requires at the moment! Facts have nothing what so ever to do with it! He shoots from the hip (or more like his ass) and depends on the MSM to cover him!

  3. “I can’t stand this stupid son-of-a-shitstain.”

    The son of a bitch makes the veins blow out of my neck like no other. I think I’ve determined what’s so infuriating about the asshole is he knows he’s lying, and he knows we know he’s lying, and he knows we know that he knows that he’s lying. But “they” expect us to believe his bull shit anyway.

  4. “Joe Biden should be torn apart by wild dogs.”

    Wild dogs have better things to do (sniffing each others’ assholes, for instance). Joey’s an insult – whoever pulled this coup is using him as a foil to rub our noses in the coup – in effect telling us that they can do any-fucking-thing they want with the sure knowledge that we’ll do nothing. Nobody believes him, nobody likes him, some make bank off him, but they all know that he’s a corrupt, traitorous stooge.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Yeah, the same effing idiots that still believe “Orange man bad.” They also are known the drive solo with a mask on, praise the trans community and are still blaming Trump for high gas prices and lack of goods in grocery stores.

  6. Actually, I just realized that I don’t have to write this at all. Just quote a document written in 1776. Just replace King of Great Britain and replace it with Joe Biden.
    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
    Time to read the Declaration of Independence again, if you don’t know it by heart.

  7. People swallow his Bullshit and LIKE IT.

    Last week in RURAL ONTARIO, I got pulled over by an OPP Cop.
    I admitted my mistake and he said, “The ONLY reason I’m letting you go is that F@CK TRUDEAU sticker on the Back of your Van.”

    In the Shitty of Toronto, where I live, a Twat & her Cuck husband were mouthing off to me on my driveway for the exact same sticker (& the 5 foot Flag over the Garage)

    There is a group of people that WANT to SWALLOW the shit so that they DO NOT have to think for themselves. The 5% to 10 % that change their votes piss me off LESS that the Dogmatic Assholes that feel Biden has a legitimate reason to have Classified Documents mostly pertaining to Ukraine. Basically DIRT & RECORDS of what he gets paid for BEFORE, DURING, & AFTER the war.

    49% DID VOTE for the POS! The steal tilted less than 2%.



  8. Hey Kcir

    This is just nuts;

    8 teenage girls, race not stated, committed a “swarming” attack on some Chinese guy, with knives, killing him.

    I didn’t think this kind of shit happened in Canada, pretty sad.

  9. I know several people who STILL think Biden is better because “Orange Man Bad” & “mean tweets”.
    Inflation, rising crime, lies, hypocrisy, rights being trampled, and etc. will not cure TDS. It is strong, chronic, and incurable.

  10. Rich Taylor,

    Only 2 of the little whores had “Guardians” who showed up for the arraignment.

    No descriptions given, names etc.

    … and people still were making excuses for the little whores.


  11. A 54 year old just died. Heart failure. Elvis’ daughter, Lisa Marie Presley.
    I wasn’t a fan and didn’t follow her career, but these instances are becoming very frequent, wouldn’t you say?

  12. I feel very sorry for Priscilla. No parent should ever have to bury their child.

    An old(er) person it is distressing when someone younger passes on, a reminder to oneself that life is finite and death is certain.

    When one abuses their body and brings it upon themselves we say to ourselves that, well, you knew what you were doing. Passing on as a result of governmental lies is a whole nother kettle of fish.

    54 is just too damn young.

  13. My libtard dyke cousin believes biden is a wonderful president. She also “stands with newsome” She also believes there was a real pandemic. She says, I know people that died from covid. I say, no you know people that were murdered in the hospital with remdesiver and a vent. Do you know anyone that died in their home of covid? How about all those homeless where you live, were they piled up on the sidewalks, dead? Crickets.

  14. @Tim ~ “Nobody believes him, nobody likes him, some make bank off him, but they all know that he’s a corrupt, traitorous stooge.”

    you’ve just described the whole d’rat party & 2/3’s of the repugnantcans

  15. A lot of people are just ignorant, a lot are stupid and ignorant, a lot are infantile, ignorant narcissists (Bette Midler types), or all the above PLUS they’re on the payroll (Joy Behar, NBC News, etc.)


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