Are these counters discussing flipping the election? – IOTW Report

Are these counters discussing flipping the election?




ht/ populist press

ht/ all too much

16 Comments on Are these counters discussing flipping the election?

  1. Whether they discussed it or not, their actions speak louder than words. They were caught on cctv: 1. Getting rid of all the watchers (illegal), 2. Dragging un-secured suitcases out from under tables (no chain of custody=illegal), 3. Counting stacks of ballots from those suitcases multiple times (illegal), 4. Telling the media there was a broken “water main” at the arena; a lie to cover up their election fraud conspiracy, (also illegal), and 5. No chain of custody documented for any of the tabulator cards that were taken from the machines (illegal), 6. Voting tabulators connected to the internet (illegal), 7. Counting ballots delivered to them from another state (illegal), 8. Filling in blank ballots (illegal), 8. Setting the reject sensitivity too high in order to manually “adjudicate” very large numbers of ballots (illegal).

    I know I’ve missed a few others.

  2. Send that link to any good senators. Thee’s only a couple so you won’t be overwhelmed choosing.
    Include the note: Tell us there was no cheating again!

    Maybe Barr should get a copy too!
    Just to let him know we’re not as stupid as it appears he thinks we are.

  3. I couldn’t understand what these two are saying if they were 2 feet in front and talking directly to me. But that’s not unusual. I’m not an Ebonics major.

    These 3 could’ve had a come to Jesus moment, go on national TV and confess to everything. We’d still be told by our betters, “there’s no proof of fraud….even if there was it’s not enough to overturn Joe’s magnificent victory”.

    Much like our FBI, the GBI couldn’t possibly see their way to drag them in and get confessions when presented w/video and tapes. I’m becoming less and less supportive of “law” enforcement.

  4. As I see it now, the way the long guns of government have responded to the evidence of the 2020 election fraud, I do not expect to see any future government correct this in my lifetime, as we are now standing inside the doorway of a Third World.


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