Are these guys paid as much as women’s soccer? – IOTW Report

Are these guys paid as much as women’s soccer?

14 Comments on Are these guys paid as much as women’s soccer?

  1. We called that game, “Nuke ’em” during the cold war. It was played often in gym during winter.
    “Dodge Ball” in grade school was when we formed a circle and threw the ball at those in the middle.

  2. Also sucks to be America’s attic. They know they will never be as great as USA, but the pretend to be. They can be patriots for their nation, and I respect that. But they (Canada), thrive off us like a parasite.

  3. Wait……..? What…….?
    Dodge ball, a child’s school game, is a paid athletic sport? With tournaments? And championships? Dafooook?


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