Are They or Aren’t They and Will It Even Matter? – IOTW Report

Are They or Aren’t They and Will It Even Matter?

We’re getting conflicting reports declaring that the Obama Administration’s Justice Department has refused to allow three FBI offices to investigate the Clinton Foundation. The Daily Caller however, is reporting that the FBI office in New York City is conducting an investigation and they have a reputation for being more aggressive than the “career lawyers within the DOJ.”

Request denied Here and Here

NYC FBI investigating Here

Of course if Comey determines that Bill and Hillary never “intended” to sell favors or Obama gives them both a blanket pardon before leaving office, none of it will matter.

8 Comments on Are They or Aren’t They and Will It Even Matter?

  1. In my opinion the rumor was planted so people wouldn’t demand a real investigation. It isn’t real until FIB & DOJ publicly announce it’s real. . . then it will be a white wash, but right now it’s just a rumor.

  2. Bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit.
    This is Inspector Renault investigating gambling at Rick’s.
    This is the Gestapo investigating SS abuses of Jews.
    This is Turkey investigating the genocide of Armenians.
    This is the NKVD investigating the disappearance of the Kulaks.
    This is Mao’s special commission on hunger investigating 100 million dead chinks.

    HRC cannot be investigated without Obola being swept into it – and most Republicans and all Demonrats.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Comey made the FBI out to be a joke. Only
    conservatives need fear it’s misguided
    bombing runs on staunch citizens that always
    “somehow” miss DC’s slimy favorites.

  4. the fbi used to be ultimate crime buster.
    elliot ness is now rolling in his grave.
    since comey has knocked off the luster.
    we will watch the fbi once again flop over and cave.

  5. It is my understanding that you cannot be pardoned unless you have been convicted of something, hence, no indictment… trial… conviction… pardon.

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