Are We Falling For This Anymore? – IOTW Report

Are We Falling For This Anymore?

31 Comments on Are We Falling For This Anymore?

  1. Maybe I could only see the edited video of the Nazis, but I only saw a bunch of people lined up with someone leading them in chants. I did not see any assaults or burning buildings or police cars.

    Did I miss something?

  2. For years now, whenever someone has referenced the threat of “white supremacists” or “nazis,” I have stated “ya, there’s about 25 of them.”

    Looks like their numbers have stayed the same from the video.


  3. I remember that the Greatest Generation didn’t much like comparing others to Nazis, they said it was a distraction from the real evil that they defeated in WWII.

  4. @RadioMattM – “…I did not see any assaults or burning buildings or police cars…”

    It was obviously a violent protest (by libtard media standards), not “mostly peaceful” at all.

  5. There is a White Nationalist, not Supremacist, group in NW Ohio and these jerks aren’t them. Lawn enforcement monitors their every burp, fart and snort. For the record the Klan has not had a presence since the here since the mid 60’s.

  6. Not buying it. This “theatre in the park” performance shouldn’t fool anybody. What typical facist, leftwing, white supremacists have the bucks for that “high fashion” gayish/satanic ensemble and banner. The average NeoNazi is living paycheck to paycheck. These cretins must be the exception.

    This reeks of a Hollywierd production in coordination with various weaponized government agencies and their stooges, including the “leader” who has a strong resemblance to actor Stanley Tucci.


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