Are we going to lose the country to the mentally ill? – IOTW Report

Are we going to lose the country to the mentally ill?

And by “mentally ill” I mean the left.

ht/ all too much

34 Comments on Are we going to lose the country to the mentally ill?

  1. Looks like one too many child got ahold of the magic marker on her face.
    Oh? You say she did this to herself?
    Yer Honor, I rest my case.
    Where’s her parent/other adult/caretaker/keeper?

  2. Gosh… she reminds me of my friend’s kid that got a hold of the Sharpies, and drew himself as Spiderman. The red, with the black lines… it was good. Unfortunately it didn’t come off for a while.

  3. I think she’s hawt! Hey crayola face, what do you say we go out for drinks, fine dining, a little dancing, then go back to your place?

    Yeah I think we can both fit in the refrigerator box.

  4. There’s no way this stupid so called blonde chick weighs 125 pounds. She has crazy possessed eyes which reminds me of the current phrase on the reader board next to I 90 in the Spokane valley which reads, If you don’t pay your exorcist bill do you get repossessed. She’s possessed all right, run away if you ever get close to this dumb broad.

  5. Drive around any city and its immediate urban neighborhoods and you’ll see it all. Crazy people, caused by untreated mental illness or drugs (and usually a combination of both), are living on our sidewalks, in our alleys, under every overpass, in our parks, and everywhere else there is enough room to pitch a tent or park a derelict car or camper van. And as long as they are allowed to be there, to poop an pee there, to shoot up drugs there and to harrass and terrorize the rest of us, they HAVE taken over our cities/towns. Because no one I know wants to wade through them to get somewhere. No one wants to sit at a bus stop anymore, park their car near them, walk through a haze of pot smoke or step over needles, poop and urine in order to go about their daily business.

    And, frankly, I don’t know who is crazier: the literal crazies or us who pay the taxes to the dumbass officials who enact the ordinances that allow it all! You tell me. We’re all paying for facilities, infrastructure, safety and fire protection that we’re unable to use or getting little on our investment.

  6. Is this so-called “homeless problem” caused by jackass progressives as their way of saying, “We aren’t those heartless Republicans who don’t have any compassion!”?

    I think it is. In any event, it is totally out of hand now. “Homeless” addicts and criminals — sane or not — have many, many, many more rights in the legal system than you and I have.

  7. MJA — Probably. Parked right in front of our beautifully restored (at enormous cost) old Union Station — down by our sports stadiums in the southern part of downtown Seattle — are “Personal Hygiene” trailers. Right on the bloody pedestrian walk where all the tourists would probably be standing taking pictures of the wonderful building’s facade! Freaking “Personal Hygiene” trailers!! For the “homeless” who line every sidewalk with their eyesore tents, blue tarps, trash, and assorted stolen goods. In the freaking middle of the oldest and — what once was — a bustling tourist destination. There’s a great tour down there of Seattle’s oldest buildings and some of their basements (which used to be their street floor but was built up after the Seattle Fire). That part of Seattle has been completely taken over by the homeless and their “Hygiene” trailers, permanent Porta Potties, tents and the rest. Sickening to see it. Heartbreaking for those of us who Seattle before it all.

  8. I lost faith in this country when it voted for Barack Hussein Obama seven years after September 11th.

    Then, after 4 years of a shit economy, affirmative actioned him to a re-election.

    I do not recognize half of this country.

  9. AA, it sounds like you’ve just about had enough. I haven’t seen the personal hygiene trailers yet. 15 years ago if someone tried to tell us what Seattle would be like in 2020 nobody would have believed them. It’s a crime what’s happening.

  10. There are 2019 mugshots of her same theme different style
    Also in Jan 2020 pre current Antifa violence
    And someone pointed out the marks on the face are meant to disable ID by AI captured by all the cameras that are mounted in public areas

  11. MPS beat me to it. Methamphetamine plus a few additional illegal drugs seems likely. Her face should be used in every D.A.R.E. program.

    Liberals, so sensitive, want her to be free to roam on the streets to be a victim of violence, sexual assault, OD, and death by exposure.

    As a conservative, I want the psychiatric wards re-opened, I want the homeless swept off the street, detoxed, treated, cleaned up and when able (and not before) returned to society.

  12. The blame may be exclusively with President Kennedy for the Sharpie face lunatics on the street – free to be a public nuisance.

    Kennedy’s liberal good intentions he signed into law, The Community Mental Health Act-1963, opened a Pandora box. Another example of a centralized federal government program doomed to fail.

    Here’s an older, but excellent article about why the nation is dealing with out of control psychotics roaming the streets, governing cities and invading the U.S. Congress; .

  13. Why can’t we elect people with enough decency and spine to keep crazy assholes from running amok?

    I’m not at all religious, but I’d rather be ruled by the Spanish inquisition than the (D)irtbag lunatics. At least the inquisition kicked out moslems.

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