Are We Missing The Real Cover Up? – IOTW Report

Are We Missing The Real Cover Up?

A funny thing happened this week when celebrity Dr. Drew Pinsky provided his professional opinion on how Hillary Clinton is being treated for her various ailments.  First, the station that hosts his program KABC pulled the segment and now various media outlets for the Democrats have assembled in defense of their candidate in response to Drew’s opinion including Huff Po, Daily Beast , Yahoo News and

Dr. Drew’s comments Here

KABC yanking the segment Here

Could it be that while the Clinton’s machine is able to head off federal charges over her server and the Clinton Foundation, they’re just as concern about keeping her health issues away from public scrutiny? 

32 Comments on Are We Missing The Real Cover Up?

  1. This farce of the Clintoons is getting worse hourly. Now we have the wizard behind the green curtains…only you will never see her. No one knows what shape she is in, if she is capable of knowing true from false, if she even knows what planet she is currently on. One gets the strong feeling that this is another BarryProp, hand or hands unknown up their arses making the decisions to take us all down. INSTEAD get united behind Trump and take them down for good.

  2. Yes. Her health issues are much, much, worse for her than her criminality. All the politicians are corrupt in the swing vote public eye, but most politicians at least appear to be vigorous and ambulatory. Elizabeth Warren is almost the same age as Hillary, but she looks like an Olympic athlete in comparison. People are noticing the decay of Hillary, and worse, they are starting to see every little misstep as evidence of serious problems. Now we are going back and looking at old pictures of Hillary, and a dark pattern is emerging.

    Snopes can debunk the bunker queen’s medical issues from here until November, but let’s face it, they are going to have binders full of issues to explain away. And when she seizes up or swoons out next week, or next month, all the “Status: False” in the world can’t buy her the vitality she needs.

  3. It appears the Clinton team is playing the four corners delay offense through to November. No more campaigning. No encounters with the media (not that that matters). Minimal announcements. Let’s see if Team Trump can break through the media trap that’s now in place. Not looking good at this point. Only if Hillary has a seizure during one of the debates.

  4. Joe, Trump may have made the Louisiana Purchase this weekend which will later be seen as the turning point to victory for him. Whatever problems Trump has had, he is addressing them and pivoting as necessary. Hillary responds to everything by burrowing deeper into the bunker. When she does that, she lets Trump define her at will. No amount of prepared statements from her flacks and code team can stop that.

  5. I’ve been watching Brain Dead the past few days, new episodes are on CBS but they also go straight to Amazon Prime. It’s DC politics, reasonably even-handed as it follows a Republican and a Democrat senator from the same state, focusing more on the conflict and polarization than on right and wrong. Alien ant-like bugs are invading people’s brains. For those who survive there are two general characteristics: a more extreme view, generally in the same direction they had before; and a tendency to be physically off-balance, since part of their brain has been eaten and the fluids used for balance are gone.
    So that’s one possible explanation for Hillary. 🙂

  6. I think she may not make it to election day. Physically she may survive, but she will be unable to function well enough to serve as Pres. This raises a question whether if an infirm person is elected and cannot serve from the start, does the VP automatically take over? Asking this question opens up the thought that this is intentional: To get a Dem in power – anyone – to implement the next phase of fundamental transformation of America.

  7. This is going to a horse race between the Grim Reaper and the Grim Raper’s Wife.

    I’m rooting for the Reaper; Vince Foster has some unfinished business to conduct down here. 👿

  8. @By by Doc…

    “Dr.Drew will disappear”

    Who knows? He might be the first MSM messenger setting the stage for her withdrawal due to health issues. Her minions are largely ignorant or in denial of her illness. They must be handled gently.

  9. I wonder what the Dems would do if Trump offered to release his tax returns if Hillary released her medical records.

    I’m assuming they fear he’ll do just that since they aren’t screaming for his tax records.

  10. If “they” can run the country (into the ground) with Empty Suit Figurehead Puppet Man, then Clinton doesn’t NEED to be in anything close to physical or mental fitness. All they have to do is GET HER IN OFFICE. They can handle any eventuality after that.

  11. Unlike golf playing vacationing Obama, Hillary will want to run everything if she wins the white hut. That’s gotta be scaring the Dem power brokers some, if her health is that bad.

  12. I, at a mere 22, am sadly reminded of a much more recent pop culture icon when I look at Hillary Crypton… I think President Snow from those Suzanne Collins books. Extremely evil, dying of multiple (possibly sex related diseases), cruel and insane… bloodshot eyes…

  13. Ann & Sylvia have just made my stomach upset by mentioninf Huma and Hilliary’s box in the same sentence. Yuk!

    It is all BS. Hilliary will drop out due to illness and get a pardon. Who is the Demon waiting in the wings?

  14. The dems are in full time damage control with that insane bitch.

    Sounds like maybe Hillary is being treated in Iran, with the outdated healthcare. Any doctors in Huma’s family?

    And Hillary didn’t live in Arkansas when she was a kid, as mentioned, but the doctors here probably are 20 years behind. Still better than Iran. Unless you get an Iranian doctor in Arkansas …

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