Are We Sure She’s Not Playing Klaus Barbie? – IOTW Report

Are We Sure She’s Not Playing Klaus Barbie?

Amy Schumer has been signed to play Barbie in a new movie based on the iconic doll.


Maybe the movie is called Barbie because it’s about an Australian broad who can’t stop eating barbecue?

They really can’t be seriously considering her to play the Mattel doll, can they?

Maybe she’s going to play the eating disorder barbie.


ht/ illustr8r


41 Comments on Are We Sure She’s Not Playing Klaus Barbie?

  1. i learned to design my own clothes using a barbie…..i was about six or seven, but i KNEW i would be 37-24-36 someday……

    good thing i didn’t have an amy doll instead……..

  2. when did i become anonymous?……..i’ve been chuckie for years…..

    it’s the NSA, isn’t it…….either that or LO retta……i knew they would come for me someday…….

  3. I was once at an opening of an Amy Schumer video in Toronto…she came into the event in a chauffeur driven Prius…..It quickly became ugly and quite brutal…. 7 pry bars died, 2 foot wedges were wounded and 132 people left with their thumbs in a hammock. This was all in an effort to get that fat bitch out of the car…..Finally, Pablo, an illegal immigrant from Utah passed her a plate of Enchiladas and she was last scene just outside of Reno Nevada, about 80 feet above the sky and climbing…

  4. How does a fat ugly cunt get so much attention. My nightmare would be me being the last man alive with Amy and Hillary the last two women left on earth. The human race would die!

  5. I continue to struggle to make sense of the whole Amy Schumer phenomenon. Unfunny, unattractive, no visible talent or skills. Is it some convoluted scheme to launder money and payoff uncle Chuck? Beer commercials, movie deals, concerts attended by 1000s WTF? And don’t get me started on

  6. /welp
    How am I going to explain this to my massive barbie collection that I keep in my attic? ‘Sorry, ladies but it appears that mattel wants to misrepresent and miscast you in the BIGGEST [fattest/fugliest/etc] way POSSIBLE.’

  7. Can I confess something?

    If Amy Schumer had voted for Trump, I’d have absolutely no problem giving her a vaginally administered brotein injection. And I’d only need half of a Blue Steel pill to get ‘er done. But what am I gonna do? I’m half German.

    Or is it my Irish half that digs fat chicks

  8. Plot is Amy is one of many in a land of perfect Barbies. She’s the ugly duck who is cast out and voyages thru “our world” discovering it what is on the inside of a person makes them special. It’s essentially a remake of House Bunny.

    Or in other words… Fart joke, breasts joke, fat joke, sex joke. FEMINISM!! Fart joke, breasts joke, fat joke, sex joke. FEMINISM!! Wash, rinse, repeat.

    Gosh. Wasn’t this such a winning strategy with Sony’s reboot of the Ghostbusters?

  9. In the bad old days when I was a drinkin’ man I would allow women like her to service me. Afterwards, they were grateful and I was hungover. For me, those days are loooooong gone but women like her seem to be more plentiful. Must be the water.

  10. *SIGH*

    Another movie to miss.

    I guess making blockbusters like “Plan 9 From Outer Space” are too expensive …
    Or those 3-hour extravaganzas about 2 Frogs sitting in a diner speaking French …

    izlamo delenda est …

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